Flashbacks: Ghoul Reveal

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REMEMBER: If I didn't mention clearly, in present day, [Y/N]'s ninja friends DON'T know she's half ghoul. They knew for only a very short moment when they were kids, but they forgot because of Kakashi. (Explanation in story)

ALSO I think I forgot to mention: [Y/N] being a half ghoul IN THIS FANFIC means she is NOT indestructible to simple sharp weapons like knives and blades. It'll hurt her painfully but won't kill her as fast. And ACTUAL weapons used to kill ghouls WILL kill her. (thank you to that one comment that reminded me ;o )

I remembered when we went on a mission, the mission where my friends found out I was half ghoul, but they didn't remember.

I remembered Zabuza and Haku appearing at the bridge as we were just escorting an old man safely. I remembered being stuck in the horror of ice mirrors with Sasuke and Naruto.

The flying needles. The blood. Just dying and pain...both mentally and physically.

It was me who was fighting against Haku; I didn't know why Sasuke decided to butt in when I could have battled Haku alone. "Great, you got yourself stuck here," I sarcastically scoff at him, sitting down calmly as he stood up in an alert stance.

"You know, I can do this alone," I told him, trying not to be rude.

He glared at me. "We are a team, and we should work as one."

I stared blankly at my feet as I thought about using my kagune to easily end this all. "Nah, I'm pretty sure I..." My voice drifts as needles suddenly puncture us, and we both crashed down in pain.

"Ah, what the heck?!" I hiss, grabbing my arm. It didn't hurt, just a pinch. I was just more angry at the fact there will be no point in dodging when you're trapped.

"Are you okay?" Sasuke worries, lending me a hand.

I just furiously take it and nod. "Let's just get this over with. I'm kinda more worried about Kakashi out there."

"K-Kakashi?" Sasuke pauses.

"K-Kakashi Sensei," I corrected immediately.

I remembered when he and I had tried multiple strategies and Jutsus, but none of them seemed to work. And every time we fail, we get blasted with more needles. And slowly, I was starting to worry about Sasuke.

Then Naruto slipped between the mirrors. Easy to get in and now impossible to get out. "Naruto?! WHAT THE FUCK?! You just got your ass stuck in here!!!" I exclaimed, losing my temper.

"NANI?? You think I'm annoying too??" Naruto cries loudly, so childish. "I'm here to help you guys."

"NO! Understand none of you have to!" I yelled frustrated. Sasuke only stared at me shocked.

"Nah, don't worry about it," Naruto chuckles, and I glare at his carelessness and immaturity already in the situation.

"Don't worry about it?" I get up in his face. "This is a fucking mirror trap from a guy whose Jutsu level is higher than all of us combined. And by the look of us, he continues to shoot needles at us until we fucking die. And because you two are here, we can't get out!"

Naruto immediately shut his mouth then.

Because of you both, I can't USE my kagune!

As much as I wanted to, I couldn't activate my kagune yet. It was definitely not a good time. In fact, with Naruto also here, therefore, there's more a higher chance I might hit and kill one of them by accident.

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