Red & Pink=Lovely

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As of Before...

I smiled in victory as I see Genos hanging upside down from a rope, and I put my hands behind my back confidently as I skipped toward him.

Genos' POV:

I sighed disappointingly in myself, my arms freely sunk above my head as gravity just did its job.

I really thought I could have beat her this time. According to my intelligence, she would dodge the knife then pull a wire that was right behind her. Only if she took one more step instead of noticing it.

Although, I could not help but to smile at my cheery girlfriend. "How did you notice the tripwire? My calculations said to be 98 percent correct." I asked curiously.

"Well, I'm that 2 percent that makes it by miracle," she laughs. "But you improved a lot. Not bad, baby, not bad," she nodded.

My eyes blinked the same time my lips curved into a smile. "Wait, what did you just call me?"

"Huh? B-baby?" She shyly pouts her lips, looking away nervously. "Why? What's wrong with it? Don't like the nickname?"

Her cheeks turn a soft pink in her little pout tantrum-like mood. "I-If you don't like it, I-I can change it," she stutters.

I chuckle at her purity. "I like it very much...babe."

She blinks before looking at me. Her eyes flutter with excitement, and she points at herself. "M-me? W-what did you just call me?"

"Babe?" I raise an eyebrow, laughing.

She punched the air excitedly, and all I could do is give a sigh of affection. I really did get so lucky with her.

She jumped so cheerfully, her messy strands of hair bouncing as she threw fists at the sky like someone who just accomplished buying the full Manga series.

Her laugh..the one that sometimes changes into the purest giggle, matched her very happy smile and tone of her blossom cheeks.

Even though she was upside down in my view, her energy sparked the same joyous feeling for me, and my arms moved on their own.

She stopped jumping and looked at me. And just before she was about to speak, I grabbed her by the face and pulled her lips to mine, closing my eyes.

A gentle kiss.

I finally succeeded. In fact, bonus points for me, since I am upside down.

I did not let go, because instead, my lips were now the ones who took charge. A new rush flowed into me, and I felt my lips starting to move.

But hesitantly, I immediately pull away, and my hands hung in front of me from when I let go. [Y/N]'s eyes froze widened in shock as her face flustered.

Your POV:

I froze at the sudden action Genos just did. It was all of a sudden and not expected. I knew it was going to happen soon, but I didn't think it would be here.

The way his dirty hair from all the wrestling fell from being upside down. His golden eyes were a mix of worry and hesitation.

He was sweating a little. His need to hold his breath as he attempted trying to hide an emergance of pink color on his face that soon turned hot red.

It was silent, save for the wind that brushed through the plants and trees, calling its pink blossoms from the trees to fall at a romantic time like this.

My body turned disgustingly warm with the mix of sweat and speechless panic. But as the wind swept through me, I got nothing but chills as it cleared up the dirt.

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