Found Me

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Your POV:

I sat on a branch from my special tree, back leaning against the bark as I stared at the clouds.

Sure, I can't sit at my ground spot, but that doesn't mean I can't hang on it. After all, it's strong now.

With a new set of clothes of my black hoodie and sweats and comfty Converse, the wind blew through my hair calmly.

Sensei told him, didn't he? He really did? I wonder what Genos thinks of me now.

Well, he probably thinks you're a monster. Like he would want to date someone who partially eats humans?

I breathed in before exhaling. Not like Genos would like a girl like me anyway. 

Suddenly, the leaves and bushes stopped rustling as only the wind spoke. Birds stopped their chirping call and flew away.

I knew what that meant.

"Genos..." I exhale, still looking up at the sky. 

"Yes," he answers. I felt him stand under me, his back to the other side of the tree as he leaned against it, arms crossed.

"I'm a monster, right?" I scoff; I didn't want to sound pathetic. I heard him flinch, but I didn't remove my gaze from the clouds that now shifted.

"[Y/N]..." Genos sympathetically said.

"It's okay..." my eyes droop, "I get it..."

"I eat humans for a living," I continued, "my eye glows red...I have a kagune, I have a darker side...a monster. I understand. I hope we're still cool though."

"[Y/N], you are not a monster," Genos starts, and I laugh with a 'tch.'

"Everyone is unique in their own ways. I am a cyborg, you are...half ghoul. Master is an average bald man that destroys anything in one punch."

I slightly laugh. "But that's different...I'm not normal. You get me?"

"I am not either," he says, "I am a cyborg."

I laugh again. "That's pretty normal here. Like Metal Knight. You guys look like that in a hero way."

"You as well," he claims, "you said you never unleashed it in front of anyone except Master, correct?"


"Well, no one recognizes it as you fight," he explains, "so you are normal here. You are a hero.

"If the public sees you fighting with it, I guarantee they will not see you as a monster, but as you, [Y/N] and P-Skillz."

I smirk at his point. "Well, you got a way with words, Genos." 

I then looked down at him, but my smirk drops, and I instantly redden as a bird's eye point of view of Genos never seemed so ATTRACTIVE!

The way he crossed his arms, his back leaning against the tree tough. OOF!

He noticed and suddenly blushed too. "W-we should get g-going," he stutters, "Master is worried, and you still need to take your medications."

I then felt my stomach grumble. "And eat or I'll go insane," I added worriedly. I jumped down, and we walked back.

Two thirds from the apartment, a drone with a box drops in front of us. "Oh, what's that?" I asked as we stopped.

After it dropped the box, it started leaving. "Bye, drone!" I playfully wave.
From the corner of my eye, I saw Genos smiling at me.

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