A Good Shift

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3rd POV:

It was finally night and right about closing time. After Shin turned the sign over, all the workers stood or sat for a long time to take a break from well everything that had happened today.

[Y/N] was leaning on the counter where the coffee machines were placed, Genos standing next to her. Shin and Hiyori stood across from Genos and her.

As Rin leaned against a wall again, Mimi sat on the counter, swaying her hanging legs back and forth.

"What a day," Mimi laughs.

"Tell me about it," Rin nods, "it was the first time I got a hand cramp from cooking."

"Yeah, and talk about the fans," Hiyori glances at both [Y/N] and Genos with a weird smirk.

From the lounge, Yuri skipped toward them and jumped in the middle of the little circle and smiled at [Y/N].

"Oh, yes Yuri?" Hiyori asks first.

"Dessert!" Yuri smiled wider with rosy cheeks.

[Y/N] bend down and pinched his cheeks. "Hmm, I don't know, does Yuri deserve it?" She plays once again, lifting him up in her arms.

The way [Y/N] always messes around with the little boy...it's so cute and responsible like a wife, Genos thought.

"Huh? Yeah, I deserve it," he frowns, "I-I promise I won't tell anyone you're all animals."

There was then an uproar of laughter from the workers. "Okay, Yuri, just promise you won't tell anyone." [Y/N] winks.


After preparing it, she had given Yuri his choosing of desert: Moody Mochi Balls (ice cream mochi) that had different expressions on them based on their color.

"Wow, you really got Yuri to be good the whole day, I'm surprised," Hiyori says as they watch Yuri happily eating at a table.

"Yeah," [Y/N] crossed her arms successfully, "what did he want again? Something about an amusement park, right?"

"Yeah, they went to a water park," she says.

"Oh, it was a water park?" [Y/N]'s eyebrows raise, realizing she mistaken it from a rollercoaster park kind.

"Yeah, they went to Poseidon's Kingdom Water Park," she whispers, making sure Yuri doesn't remember what he was mad about in the first place.

[Y/N]'s eyes widened as her jaw dropped to the floor. "Poseidon's Kingdom?!" Her voice sounded defeated as if she were longing for it, well she was actually.

She had asked Saitama to go with her, but he had declined, because he was still busy with his strength training.

But when Saitama was done, she had already forgotten about the water park until now.

"Ah," Mimi understands, "such extreme rides aren't suitable for a seven-year-old."

"Yeah, I know! But I've always wanted to go there!" [Y/N] exclaims.

Genos' crossed arms then fall to his side as she had grabbed his attention.

Was she not able to go? He thought.

"Don't you have the money?" Shin asks, lifting an eyebrow.

"I do," [Y/N] anxiously laughs, rubbing the back of her neck, "but I don't want to go alone. That'd be weird. I would take you all but--"

"We don't like intense," Shin finishes, crossing his arms and shaking his head. "Well, at least I don't."

"I'm not a fan of water," Mimi shakes her head as well, "the beach is fine, because there's sand, but swimming in water kids and even adults pee in? Nope, not for me."

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