Chapter LXXXIX

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It felt like I been in the house for days so I decided to take lil man out today with the rest of the guys

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It felt like I been in the house for days so I decided to take lil man out today with the rest of the guys. We all brung our kids to this big ass play field for toddlers since it was sunny and hot outside, I even got in touch with teyana husband Iman and invited him and his kids.

Nipsey came with his daughter Daisy, Cassie let Brailyn bring messiah since he ain't got no kids of his own, and Donnell tagged along just to have fun. It helped me get my mind off of Aaliyah being in rehab for the past month, I still feel terrible for everything I did and said that made her end up in there. I hope she's getting the help she needs though and she'll be better when she gets out.

"Say cheese" Nipsey said to Daisy while she stood in front of the rock climbing wall.

"Cheese!" She smiled showing off her baby teeth causing all the guys except me to cackle, I was in deep thought.

Months ago I was thinking that me & Aaliyah should go to couples therapy since we've been at it for months now but still can't seem to just leave each other the hell alone. If we want to stay together that bad then we need help but now I'm thinking it'll be best if we separate for good. I can actually admit it's driving us both crazy and we haven't been the same since, it all went downhill last year.

I don't wanna give up on what we had so easily but it's nothing left to do. It's like we're slowly becoming enemies, I mean I love that woman so much but it's true.

I keep thinking back to my mama saying maybe it's really not meant to be and it rubs me the wrong way. I can see why people would say that though being how we acted towards each other for months now. I really wanna work things out with Aaliyah but I'm sure she not down to do the same, I know she's tired of dealing with me and I have a feeling when she gets out of rehab with a clear head she's gonna wash her hands with me for good.

I'll be devastated but I'll applaud her for breaking this fucked up cycle and doing what she thinks is best for her.

Feeling my arm get tapped pulling me out of my thoughts, I heard Nipsey ask "How you feeling bro? You been staring into space for like five minutes" He chuckled.

"I was just thinking about what the hell I'm gone do when Aaliyah gets out"

"Worry about yourself" He said flat out "That's why you stressing now because you still thinking about the fucked up mess you caused, you gotta stop overthinking things and let shit play out the way it's suppose to whether you like it or not"

"I hear what you saying"

"I hope you do! knowing you, the minute Aaliyah get out you gone be all in her space" He put me on the spot "The both of you need to stay away from each other for a decent amount of time, worry about Aiden until you figure out what it's gone be with you and Aaliyah, yawl don't need to be arguing in front of that baby all the time"

His Desire || Odell Beckham x Aaliyah || Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat