Chapter LXXVII

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Waking up on the couch with this warm cover over me, I squinted my eyes since the sun was in my face

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Waking up on the couch with this warm cover over me, I squinted my eyes since the sun was in my face. Hearing footsteps come into the living room I glared over and saw Aaliyah walking around with Aiden laying on her chest while in her pajamas. For some reason she walked to the window and peeped outside before even turning around to notice I was woke.

"Now you decided to wake up? It's almost one in the afternoon"

I yawned and sat up "I could barely get to sleep being that I slept on this damn couch" I said with a raspy voice.

I spent the night over at Halle's place tonight since I didn't feel like driving all the way out to the hamptons at damn near midnight. Not only that but I actually wanted to stick around over here and help Aaliyah with Aiden. Lil man be screaming his poor little lungs out in the middle of the night.

Though me and Aaliyah didn't really speak that much last night, we still worked as a team for lil man before she gave me a blanket and went to bed in her old room.

She never gave me direct answer yesterday when I asked if she was done with me for good, she just told me to do what I want but make sure I don't regret it in the long run. I basically took that as her wanting to give me another chance but not right away. I was gone have to work something out with Dakota and I still think she be leading Rick on.

"Well I made some breakfast so come on before your food get cold" She told me before walking into the kitchen and I didn't waste no time kicking the covers off of me and following her back there. I ain't see no plates out yet, just food still in the pans.

"Where Halle at?"

She chuckled "Oh she never came home last night but I know exactly what her and Shemar are up to" She shook her head and I laughed a little.

I grabbed Aiden so she could prepare the plates and he just stared at me like I was a stranger "Why you looking at me like that?" I asked and kissed the crook of his neck causing him to bend his head and block my lips. I laughed once again at what he was doing "He something else"

While Aaliyah made the plates me and Aiden took a seat at the kitchen table. He looked like he was ready to break his neck to keep his eyes on Aaliyah. His lips were quivering and I knew he was about to cry at any second.

"Aw hell nah! We ain't gone start this again, you ain't gone be no mama's boy" I joked and he started to cry anyway. I rocked him in my arms but he continued to whine "He probably wondering where his food at"

Aaliyah sat both of our plates on the table and I handed Aiden over to her, as soon as I did his crying simmered down. She sat in the chair next to me while holding him and removed one of the straps from her tank top to expose her breast, I didn't look away either.

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