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Waking up I tried catching my breath as I looked around to see where the hell I was

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Waking up I tried catching my breath as I looked around to see where the hell I was.

I knew this was another dream! I didn't mind either because I knew I was about to find out something else. I'm just worried about how bad it's gonna be.

This time it was night and I was laying in the middle of the street with bright street lights shining down.

I stood up slowly and felt a sharp pain in the back of my head

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I stood up slowly and felt a sharp pain in the back of my head. Looking around, the street was empty. No cars or anything. I started to walk down the street not even knowing where I was going until I saw a rock fly pass me I'm the corner of my eye.

Furrowing my eyebrows I quickly turned around to see who the hell tried to whack me. There was nobody there. Turing back around I continued walking but could feel a presence following me.

What if this was Keith?

I made my way to the corner and looked around, noticing I was once again around Aaliyah's old neighborhood. Putting my hands in my pockets since it was chilly I leaned on the stop sign trying to see what was suppose to happen now.

I heard a trash can fall over behind me and I quickly turned around to see who knocked it over. Who the fuck is playing with me right now? I heard kids giggling and out of no where I felt my right arm getting pulled out of my pocket. I looked down to see some adorable little girl in all white holding my hand. She looked a bit sad though.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit scared because shit like this happens in movies and usually some type of demon would pop up next.

Once again, this time I felt my left arm getting pulled from my pocket and I looked down to see a handsome little boy in all black holding my hand.

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