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Me and the rest of my teammates sat around the dinner table at Mare,
A new restaurant that just opened up downtown. We came here to
Celebrate our win tonight at our football game.

"That leg feeling okay Tim?" Olivier asked with a smirk.

He waved him off "Yeah I'll be fine since I did most of the work" he chuckled.

I took another look at the menu as the waitress finally came over to us.

"Hi I'm Aaliyah and I'll be you guys waitress for tonight" she said with a tiring smile "can I start you all off with beverages?"

Even though she was wearing a apron and her hair was pulled back
Looking like she could pass out at any moment, I thought she was beautiful. 

She didn't look like the type that should be working at a restaurant.

I didn't notice how long I was staring at her until Sterling tapped my shoulder
"Man you didn't hear her? We all told her what we wanted but you..."

"Oh sorry, um I'll take the Polipo grilled octopus, smoked potatoes,
radish, pickled red onions, and chilies" I said with a warm smile.

She raised an eyebrow "You don't want anything to drink with that?"

The guys let out light laughs.

"Uh yeah I'll take a glass of sparkling wine" I winked.

After putting her pen and pad away she said "Your food and drinks will be out shortly" and walked away with a smile. Dimples showing and all.

This must be how love at first sight feel because I'm already drawn to this women and all she did was walk up and take our orders.

I saw something else in her though.

After dinner a couple of guys headed out before me, and the restaurant was starting to get empty. We all put a little something in for this high ass bill but it wasn't a problem. With only Oliver and Tim at the table I separated myself from them and went to the register.

Where she was.

"Aaliyah right?" I asked with smirk.

"Yep, is there anything I can do for you?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

God this woman was beautiful.

"Well ya know I just wanted to come and tell you thanks for serving me and my guys tonight" That's not what I really wanted to say.

By the look on her face she could tell I was trying to flirt.
She chuckled "Well that's my job"

"I know but if you was wouldn't be working here" I said like
It was nothing and she started blushing "A pretty woman like you deserve more than this"

She shrugged "Well this is all I have, so..."

"I can give you anything you want" I said digging in my pocket.

I pulled out my wallet and grabbed a $100 bill from it. I grabbed a napkin that was close and wrote my number on it "Give me a call whenever your free"

She slowly grabbed the napkin and money "You don't have--"

I cut her off "'s nothing" I winked walking off, leaving her speechless
"Let's roll out" I said to Tim and Oliver.

I walked to the exit and looked back to see her giving me a questionable look. She eventually cracked a smile before the door closed.

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