Chapter LXXXVI

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H a l l e
The next morning

Walking into my house since I haven't been here in two days, I was confused to see how messy it was in here

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Walking into my house since I haven't been here in two days, I was confused to see how messy it was in here. I shut the door and heard low cries coming from the back being that it was so quiet in here.

Walking to the back thinking Aaliyah was awoke with Aiden, I saw only her laying across the island with her head in her arms crying. Her hair was all over the place. It was somewhat dark in here but a little light was coming through the windows since it was morning time. I noticed she had a bottle of Vodka in front of her with a half empty glass cup of it.

"Aaliyah, baby?" I slowly walked over to her.

She popped her head up and her eyes were red and puffy "Mommy!" She cried and got off the stool running into my arms to hug me. I don't know what was going on but I don't like it.

"What's wrong?" I asked rubbing her while she sobbed on my shoulder.

"Mama....I fucked up" She cried out and I furrowed my eyebrows "I'm always fucking up and I don't have anybody else to blame but myself"

"What are you talking about? What's going on with you?"

She wiped her eyes and sniffled "I might've lost Odell last night, he came by and I was d-drunk and started arguing with h-him" She cried even more and shook her head "He took the baby because he felt he wasn't safe here with my alcoholic ass but none of it would've happened if I wasn't drinking, we both said stuff we didn't mean"

"Baby...folks say stuff they don't mean all the time when arguing--"

She cut me off "No ma, everything he said was true" She said first "Maybe I am miserable, it's hard for me stay happy and that's why I'm so angry! I'm always complaining about something and dwelling on the past so that causes me to drink"

"Your not miserable Aaliyah! It's plenty of woman who went through the same things as you and act the same way, you have a right to be angry about everything you went through but it's always a time to just forget about it and better yourself" I told her truthfully "Sitting around randomly thinking about the horrible shit you went through is just gone make you angrier and I don't think drinking is the best solution"

"Well this is the only way I can cope with my fucked up life" She cried.

"You don't have a fucked up life Aaliyah"

"I do! I'm insecure, nobody likes me because of my temper, I'm an alcoholic, I'm always crying like a damn baby, I can never have a decent love life and now I probably lost my son and the only man I really love because I'm miserable!" She sobbed and now my eyes were getting watery.

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