Teenagers Care About The Kids

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This chapter is too @LittleAnxiousAngel, their stuff is great.

"So, kiddo, what do you want to do?"

"I don't know..." whispered the more anxious than usual trait.

"Well, we could listen to music, or watch a movie, or make brunch!"

"A movie sounds good." Virgil says shyly.

"That's fine and dandy, Sweetheart!"

[Meanwhile, with Thomas]

"Hey, bud... What ya doing underneath the blanket?" Coaxed Roman.

An annoyed mumble emerged from the blankets and Thomas sat up blinking viciously at the light. Thomas then proceeded to make a noncommittal noise as he shoved himself into the darkness of his hoodie.

"Not feeling well?"


"What's wrong?"

"Just, not good."

"How so?"


"Sad?" Echoed Logan, "as in depressed sad?"


"He's not responding in short sentences."

"What are you getting at, Dee?"

"He's certainly not grumpy, he seems not to respond better to Roman's voice little kids."

"He's little?"

"Thomas, how old are you?" Asked Logan.


"That doesn't answer- whatever, so not 30? You aren't feeling big?"


"So if he's... little, is that because Virge is a teen?"

"Perhaps? Or may-"

Thomas lit up like the sun at noon, "Virgie? Virgie! Virgie! Virgie!"

"No, no Thomas, Virgil-"

"What the H-E-Double hockey sticks?"

"And he summoned him."

"Thanks for that captain obvious."

"Virgil, I am in no way a captain."

"Lo, he's being sarcastic."


"What's going on? Me and Dad were just watching Nightmare before Christmas."

"HAS ANYONE SEEN MY SON- Oh, hey Virgil!"

"Thomas regressed."

"Good lord."

Virgil seemingly wasn't phased, in fact- "Yeah, okay. Ro put on a kids show, I'll go get the weighted blanket."


"He used my name."

"Look, don't read into this, but we gotta take care of the kid, yeah? And judging by his face, the little rascal looks a little sad. My bet is a bad depressive episode."


"Pat, be my favorite person in the world and get Tommy a stuffed animal."

"Animal!" Perked Thomas.

"As if he isn't already your favorite."

"Shut it, Prince Harry Armpits."

"That's our beloved lemon boy."

"Patton already used that."

"Stealing my game!"

The group did as told, Virgil taking the lead, eventually leading to a cuddle pile (that Remy eventually joined when he woke up and realized everyone was gone). Thomas slowly felt bigger again as the group relaxed, most of them falling asleep. Once it was only Deceit and Thomas still awake, Virgil had regrown to his regular size, Dee said, "It's almost like he wasn't only a teenager to take care of you. It's like he isn't his most protective or caring in this state, so the mind 'gods' decided this was the best way for us to care for you."

"Maybe Dee, just maybe."

Pure, pure baby bois.

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