Daddy Pat Is Sick

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Thought Y'all deserved an update by now... Btw thanks for all the nice feedback, really appreciate it! This really is the nicest fandom on the web!

Okay. So, this was definitely not ideal.

Thomas was having a breakdown. Usually, the writer's block was a small issue, he could handle it. But this? This was something worse. Which means it came to no one's surprise when Roman ran into the living room as a tiny child, with a plastic sword, demanding to be big again. 

Roman, once again to no one's surprise, was a handful and two teaspoons of trouble as a child. He whined about everything, threw fits about anything, and was constantly wanting something.

Luckily Pat could handle most of his needs. He made the right food, went along with whatever games Roman played, and basically gave Roman what he wanted when he wanted it. Of course, Logan had to step up when it came to discipline, and Virge got the kid to calm down when it was too much. But Patton was the only one who could bear to spend more than an hour with the little guy and still have a stable mental state. So, everyone freaked out when the Happy Pappy Patton, our Favorite Father Figure Figment woke up sick on Tuesday... (It was still Tuesday, but if your asked Lo or Virgil they'd tell you it was Friday... it's only noon).

After a while of many many many many many many many many many many many many many Disney songs, Roman asked where Patton had gone off to. Later, once the suspicious yells and fake excuses dwindled, Virgil told Ro he was sick.

Roman's face fell.

Virgil swallowed hard.

Roman grew silent.

Virgil was shocked by the look in Princey's eyes.

Logan walked into the kitchen.

Roman closed his fists.

"Where are you going?"

"Daddy sick gotta get medicine!" argued the child.

It took Virgil a bit to process the kid's words.

"Woah! Whoa! No tiny children in the medicine cabinet!"

But it was too late, Roman had already found his way to the second shelf, scrounging for any bottle he could get his hands on. Virgil had to pray him from the cabinet, as Ro held 12 different pill bottles. 

"Which one Dayquil?" 


"Daddy takes Dayquil if sick."

Virgil sighed and handed the kid a white bottle with an orange label, putting the rest away, as Roman struggled with the cap.

"Here, you get Pat some water, and I'll take care of the pills."

Roman scurried away into the kitchen and got a cup of water as carefully as he could, spilling most of it, and ran back to the bathroom. Virgil had two gel pills in his hand and walked Ro to the Moral's room. When the door was open, Pat was concerned to see the small figure at the door. Patton shifted his gaze to Virgil, who shrugged, simply saying, "He wanted to bring you Dayquil."

The dad could see the tiredness in the emo's face, smiling gently as Virgil had no fight left in him. So, instead of pressing further, he gushed over Roman's consideration. The rest of the day, Roman took care of Patton. He made tea (with Logan's help), He told him stories, brought him stuffed animals, brought him lunch, and every so often checked the closet for monsters.

Needless to say, when Patton felt better the next day, Roman was given all the credit.

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