Ro Likes The Stars

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Logic had been drawing constellations all day, and Roman saw the perfect bonding opportunity.

"Ya know, little Einstein, we could head down to the imagination right now and see the stars!"

"We can?"

"Yeah! We'll get a telescope, and be real astrologists!"

"Lab coats?"

And with the snap of Roman's finger, "Lab coats."

The two ran down to the door of the imagination, excitedly waiting as a lonely hill formed across the landscape. A single willow tree gave shade to the top of the landform, providing the perfect place to picnic or stargaze. They planned to do both. 

Ro had brought along some brownies, cookies, and cupcakes in hopes of cleaning out some of the many desserts Logan had made 2 days prior. They placed down a large checkered blanket, one still standing telescope, and waited for the sky to change.

Once it did, the pair fell into thick inky blackness, until one by one tiny silver lights pierced the sky. Logan gasped quietly, as constellations filled the sky. His favorite was always Hercules, mainly due to his fascination with mythology. But as the sky rotated he could see so many more! Like Draco, and Lynx, and Bootes, and Cassopia, and Perseus, and-

"Hey look! That's Scorpio!"

"That's your zodiac correct?"

"Yeah, yours is Gemini, Pat is a Capricorn, and Virge is a Sagittarius."

"Quite the memory you got there, Bill Nye."

"Ro, what's your favorite constellation?"

"Well Draco, obviously! It is the representation of a dragon!"

"Don't try and slay the stars."

Roman had never laughed quite that hard.

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