Chapter 27

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I wake up to Lexa's alarm. I can smell the sent of woods knowing that it is her that I am laying with. It is her that I can hear lightly snoring. I still have my hand on her abdomen and her hand is still on top of mine.

I reach over her to turn the alarm off. Because of the movement I wake her up a little. However it takes more to wake Lexa up. I lay back down in my spot on her bed and gently run my finger from her forehead, down her nose, over her soft sweet lips and onto her chin. She opens her eyes and smiles. That is a million dollar smile that I would buy.

"It's time to get up Lex." I whisper. Almost trying to not wake her.

"Mmmmm! But I hurt." Lexa says a s she pouts a lip. I smile know that last night I kissed that lip. "Ugh! I have marching band practice today! That's going to hurt so bad!"

"Can't you skip?" I ask.

"Well yes but you can only have 5 skips per season. I already have 4." Lexa says closing her eyes again.

"I'll be there don't worry. Even though I think your band director hates me."

"Titus. He likes no one." Lexa said laughing. I put my hand on her jaw bone and trace it with my finger. She stops laughing and stares at me.

"We should get up before your mom walks in... again." I say and Lexa huffs but does as I ask. She grabs clothes and goes into the bathroom. I grab one of her sports hoodies that says 'Polis Grounders Baseball Team' on the front and on the back it says 'Woods #307'. It's a cool hoodie so I put it on. Lexa walks in in a total Jughead style with jeans, a flannel wrapped around her waist, and a leather bikers jacket. On the back of the jacket it says 'Woods'.

"I am stealing that later Woods" I say with a wink as I go into the bathroom.

I meet Lexa down stairs and her mom already has a plate out for me with breakfast on it.

"Hey Ms. Woods, how did you know I was here? Thank you for the food!" I say/ask.

Anya smiles at me. "Clarke honestly I assumed you moved in last week, and what did I say? Call me Anya. Please."

I nod and sit down and start to eat. Lexa turns to say something to her mom and Anya gasps dropping a cup she was holding. Luckily it was plastic.

"Lexa what happened to your face!" Anya says taking Lexa's head in her hands moving it around so she can see all the marks. "You should see the other guy" Lexa responds. To me it's not that bad. It makes Lexa look hot. A scratch right above the left eyebrow with paper stitches on it. A bruise on her jaw and a small cut under her right eye. I mean if course I hated seeing her hurt, the bruises did something for her jaw line.

"Lexa lift up your shirt." Anya demands. I almost spit out my food.

"What?! Mom I am not lift my shirt up." Lexa says blushing a little.

"Lexi, I know you fought someone I want to see the bruises on your stomach. Besides I don't think it is the first time Clarke has seen you shirtless. Correct me if I'm wrong." Lexa clenches her jaw and lifts her shirt up a little to show two good size bruises and a cut on her torso that is bandaged up. Her mom gasps again.

"Lexa take off the jacket let me see your arms." Anya says at Lexa pulls her shirt back down.

"Mom I swear my arms are fine!"

"LEXA! This is not a debate, do as I tell you!" Her mom says getting angry and worried.

Lexa takes off the jacket and shows her mom the cut she has on her arm. Then she puts the jacket back on.

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