Chapter 126

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A week has passed since Lexa and Luna have started in the band. Clarke has a big project due and everyone is overall exhausted. Exhaustion leaves people to do stupid shit.

Clarke is sitting on the floor with many different pieces of paper lying across the living room. Each of them had another drawing on them. Clarke is working on a different picture when Lexa walks in, placing her jug (that used to have water in it), music binder, and drumsticks on the counter.

Lexa doesn't hesitate to sit on the floor behind Clarke and start rubbing her back. This startles Clarke because Lexa couldn't see the earbuds in her ear. Clarke melts into the touch though, she knows it is Lexa and takes out the earbuds. You can still hear the music blasting from how loud the music was.

"Hi, beautiful," Lexa puts her head down on Clarke's shoulder.

"Hey, Lex. How was your day?" Clarke responds while continuing to work on the drawing. Something is more at ease in her body knowing that Lexa is home with her now.

"Tiring... It was just very extreme and I am kinda out of shape for all of this." Lexa mumbled against Clarke's back.

Clarke laughed a little, "Out of shape? Babe, you are the last person to be out of shape in the world. I know it was hard, but it will get easier. Promise." Clarke turns and holds Lexa's head in her hand and kisses her between her eyebrows. Lexa smiles and wraps her arms around her girlfriend.

"Whatcha drawing?" Lexa peers over Clarke's shoulder to see a sketch of a griffin, "A griffin? Like Clarke Griffin?" Clarke falls back on Lexa.

"I just don't know what to do! We are supposed to draw something that describes us deeper than the surface. I just don't know what is deeper than a blonde that loves art." Lexa kisses Clarke's shoulder.

"I think I can help. You love your family." Lexa says and Clarke scoffs.

"My father is dead and my mother is dead to me," Clarke responds and Lexa sighs.

"Blood doesn't mean family. Yes, Henry is my biological father, but he is not my family. You are. And Raven, and O, and the any of the people I trust with me. Your family is the people you would walk to hell with. That's your family. Not blood." Clarke turns and kisses Lexa.

"There is a reason I keep you around." Lexa and Clarke both go in to share another kiss but there is a pounding on their door. It doesn't stop. They both smile and laugh a little knowing that it is Raven.

Lexa walks over to the door and Clarke tosses the griffin drawing to the side and pulls out a new piece of paper. As soon as Lexa opens the door Raven launches herself at her. Lexa catches her and knows something is wrong automatically.

"Hey, hey what's wrong?" Lexa holds Raven and Clarke gets up from the floor, hearing Raven's sobs.

Clarke runs over and grabs onto Raven. Raven then moves her sobbing from Lexa over to her best friend. The Latina struggles to take deep breaths. Everything is hitched while she tries to speak.

Clarke pulls away from Raven a little to wipe some tears away, "Take a deep breath with me." Raven does so and calms down a little, "Okay, now you can tell me what is going on."

"She... she... she broke up with me." Raven then lets out a huge sob after she says that and collapses to the floor. Lexa catches her and helps her to the couch while Clarke is already there ready to hold her. The look of shock on Lexa and Clarke's eyes is pure and harsh.

Lexa automatically walks to the door grabbing her keys and phone on the way out to go beat her sisters ass. Raven takes some more deep breaths and turns to Clarke. "What happened?" the blonde asked as Raven takes another deep breath.


"Hey baby. How was practice?" Raven asked from the couch when Luna walks through the door, putting her stuff on the small dining room table.

"Good." Luna answers shortly and starts making her way to the bed room. Raven watches her as she moves. Something is different.

"Why are you being so short with me lately?" Raven asks and Luna stops in the door way, "I mean, like did I do something? Is something wrong? Cause you have been so dry with me. What's going on?"

Luna slowly turns and looks at Raven, "I'm good."

"See! See like that!" Raven sits up from the couch, "Talk to me... please." Luna sighs and sits down at the couch.

"I um..." Luna keeps looking at her hands. Raven cups Luna's face.

"I'm here for you. I have been for 2 and a half years. It's been you and I against the world. Whatever happens, we will be okay." Raven says and Luna nods.

"I think... I think we have run out course." Luna says and Ravens heart drops along with her hands, "I um... I just... I think that you and I have run out course and I don't think there is anything left."

"What... what do you mean?" The broken hearted girl asks then holds her breath to keep her tears in.

"I mean... I mean like... I care about you." Luna keeps her eyes on her hands.

"Do you love me?" Raven asks. Staring right at Luna who is looking anywhere but at her, "Luna look at me. Look at me and be honest."

Luna looks up at Raven. Nothing in her eyes, "I... I love you. But I'm... I'm not IN love with you." Raven pierces her lips to not cry, "I've been... I've been thinking about this a lot. It's kept me up at night and I just... I just think it's over for us."

"Is there someone else?"


"Is there someone else?" Raven asks standing up and moving away from Luna a little.

"No... No of course not." Luna responds finally looking up at Raven.

"I... so you're just bored?" Luna stays silent. Raven crosses her arms, tears welling in her eyes, "You got bored, huh?"

"I just... I just don't think there is anything left on my side. It's not fair to you and I- I care about you and you deserve a lot and-" Before Luna could finish Raven swallows a tear and cuts her off.

"Get out." Raven says in a quiet tone.

"What?" Luna asks in shock.

"I said get out. I said get the fuck out of this apartment. Get out. Get out!" Raven starts yelling.

Luna looks at her for a second and stands. The brunette goes into the bedroom. Raven stands in the same spot with her arms crossed and jaw clenched still keeping herself together.

Luna packs a bag of clothes and some bathroom things in 5 minutes and then starts making her way to the door to grab her drum stuff. Luna gets to the door and holds onto the handle.

Luna turns to her now ex, "Raven I..."

"Get out, Luna. Don't go to Lexa and Clarke's. I need you to go away." Raven keeps her eyes on the same spot on the floor. Her voice cracking so slightly.

"Okay." Luna responds as she leaves. At the close of the door Raven breaks down. A whale of crying escapes. Her chest feels empty and yet still so heavy and broken. She lets out sobs that a child would make.

Raven looks around not able to breathe. Her breaths so heavy and harsh. A part of her wants to run and chase after Luna. Not let her get too far. Hold her in her arms and never let her go again because she is gone.

Luna is gone. She left. The door closed. Who the fuck do I go to? What the fuck do I do? is the only thing that Raven can think.

Every inch of her body hurts. Raven starts looking around. Pictures of her and Luna all around. One of Luna's hoodies on the couch. Other items that belong to Luna lay everywhere.

Raven gasps for air and sprints out the door. The latina pounds on Lexa and Clarke's door, sobbing until the door opens and she launches herself at the body who opened the door. Arms wrap around her automatically as she lets out more cries.

Luna is gone.

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