Chapter 4

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Everyone said goodbye and got in cars and left. Oh my god. I am an idiot. I don't have a ride! I put my head back in frustration. Then I hear a laugh.

"Something wrong princess" it was Lexa. I turn and she is still a little sweaty, had a tank top on that showed her strong arms and shoulders and that tattoos that shouldn't legally be there, and basketball shorts.

"No. I just forgot to get myself a ride.  So now I have to walk." I smile at her. "I'm fine."

She smirks "Okay fine, wanna hitch a ride with me?  I swear I won't kidnap you."

"Ya that would be great actually!" I smile. I am going to mess this up SO bad!

"Cool follow me." She starts walking to the students parking lot and gets in a Jeep with no doors and and no roof.

"Um. Wow. Is that um. Safe?" I say staring at the Jeep as she gets in.

"Not particularly no." She answered turing on the engine. "Get in. You'll be fine! What's the worst that could happen!"

"Well let's see I could, I don't know, die. No no wait! I could die slowly as my whole family watches me and cries knowing that they could do nothing to help." I answer sarcastically.

"Well we just got to hope that doesn't happen." Lexa smiles at me. I can't help that smile.

I roll my eyes. "Fine!" I climb in the car and put the seatbelt on. I look at Lexa and she doesn't have hers on. "Wait!"

She looks at me like someone stole my cookie and she will go to the end of the world to get it.  Or I'm just seeing what I want to see.  "What what!! Are you ok?!"

"Lexa put your seatbelt on! It's not safe already without the doors and roof!!

She just laughs.

"It's not funny!! Lexa do it now or I will walk home!" I don't know were home is but while she is laughing she puts her seat belt on.

"Calm down princess I have done that before! But I'll put my seatbelt on!"

She starts driving. "You don't listen to rules often do you?" I say holding onto my seat.

"What gave it away?" She answers smirking

"Oh I don't know. Just a wild guess" I smiles as she turned up the radio and it's a 80s rock channel.

I nod my head to the music and look out the windo- car at the beautiful beach as she mouths the words to every song that comes on.

All of a sudden she stops at a beach parking lot and looks at me with the greenest eyes I have ever seen.

"What?" I look at her.

"You haven't told me where you live." She said raising an eyebrow.

"SHOOT! That's right!" I give her my address and we get to my house in another 15 minutes.

We pull up to my house and she gets out of the car runs to my side of the car and opens an invisible door. I laugh.

"Here are the numbers of everyone you met today."  She said handing me a piece of paper. "I'll add you to the group chat. But be warned." She said smiling as my mom walks out of the house.

"Hey honey! Who's this?" I mom said from the front door as Lexa and I walk up to her.

"Mom this is Lexa, Lexa this is my mom." Lexa puts out her hand and shakes my moms.

"Pleasure to meet you Mrs. Griffin!" Lexa said smiling.

"It's Ms. Griffin actually." She said frowning at Lexa.

"Oh I. I'm sorry. I should get going. " Lexa nods at my mom and smirks at me as she walks away. She gets in her car and leaves.

"I don't like her." My mom said as soon as Lexa was gone.

"Why. Cause she thought you were married."  I ask looking at my mom in disbelief.

"No. She is lesbian." I mom said turning into the house.

"WHAT!! What makes you say that." I knew she was because of my class this morning but I didn't want my mom to know that. My fear of coming out to my mom. Her homophobia.

"She had a pride sticker on her Jeep and she isn't at all girly and I saw they way she smirked at you! I don't want you mixed into the wrong crowd."

I frown and walk upstairs. "I have homework." I closed my door and sat down. That sucked.

I told you I would be better!! Love ya guys! I hope the whole mom thing didn't bother you. Me and my mom are really close so it was hard to right! Love ya!

(Hello this is the author but in the future! I have written about 50 chapters by now! Keep reading I swear it's not this bad in later chapters 😂)

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