Chapter 37

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Lexa and I were in the garage setting up blankets for me on the couch. She sets up the blankets and sits on top of them. I join her and put my head on her shoulder. She sighs.

"Look at me. Let me see your jaw." I say moving her face to look at the bruise on her. "Oh, Lex. Why did you do this."

"He would have said something horrible if I backed out. And I really wanted to punch him." Lexa say. "God Clarke your hands are freezing." She say as she takes my hands in hers blowing warm air onto them. They warm.

"Ya is a little cold in here." I say as I put my head back on her shoulder.

"I'll stay and keep you warm." Lexa says nodding and pushing me down on the couch. She wraps her arms around me and flips us so she is laying under me and I'm on top of her. She still is blowing air into my cold hands. I giggle like a school girl.

"Alexandra Woods you charmer." I say laughing at her. She groans at the name. "However you must go upstairs to your room. Ok." I say removing my hands from hers and rubbing them from her shoulders up her neck and back down. She puts her arms around my waist. "You really should go. Before you dad walks in." She nods her head and I get off of her. She goes in for a kiss but I stop her.

"Really? After the day I have had." Lexa says frowning.

"I thought you said no regerts." I say winking and laying under the blankets. She is about to walk out but I speak up. "Hey lex."

She turns. "What's up."

I pause for a moment.

"Could I have your hoodie?" I ask. She chuckles and takes off her hoodie then handing it to me. Then she turns and walks out.


I wake to an alarm. I get out of bed freezing. I have short shorts on and her hoodie. It looks like I only have a hoodie on but I don't care. I leave the garage to go upstairs to wake Lexa but I hear a cough catching my attention. I turn and Lexa's dad is looking at me from the kitchen.

"Good morning Clarke. How was your slumber?" Slumber? Who says slumber?

"It was okay." I answer then turn to leave but his voice stops me.

"You are not to leave unless dismissed." He says. "Proper authority of an adult." I turn back and walk over to him.

"Who is Alexandra to you?" He asks looking me up and down. It looks like I'm just wearing her hoodie and I get uncomfortable.

"She is my bestfriend Sir. She has helped me through a lot." I say.

"Ya. I'm sure. But I'd say taking a bullet for someone is more then 'a lot.'" He says staring at me.

"What makes you say that?" How does he know.

"I'm a smart man Clarke. I figure things out." He pauses to get a reaction. My face doesn't change. "You are dismissed." He says and I turn and run upstairs.

I open Lexa's door then close it. I jump in between Lexa and Luna. Lexa wakes up but Luna just shrugs it off.

"Hey..." Lexa says in a raspy voice. She opens the blankets and I can feel the heat radiating off her. I get in and put my frozen hands on her neck. "Wow. Clarke you are freezing." She says wrapping her arms around me and pulling me close. I heat up instantly. Not because she is warm but because our bodies are touching.

"We have to go down stairs. I would be surprised if you dad is timing us." I say. She giggled and kisses my nose. "Bad girl! You still have all day." She frowns and pulls me on top of her. This movement wakes Luna.

"Ugh! I have to wake up with you two right next to me. Get a room." She says getting out of bed.

"Technically Lun, this was our room." Lexa says and looks back at me smiling. I laugh and get off her. I go to the drawer and grab my clothes. I get changed in the bathroom.

We all go down stairs laughing at a video Luna showed us but we stop laughing when we see Henry.

He looks up at us. Lexa and Luna stand tall. I stand behind Lexa a little. It feels safer.

"Get to school. The three of you." He says then looks back down. Lexa grabs three apples. She throws one to Luna and hands on to me.

We go outside and Luna gets in the passenger seat. "Nope! Clarke sits there." Lexa says grabbing Luna's arm and pulling her out of the Jeep. You sit in the back.

Luna fake gasp and I giggle while getting into the front seat. "Ok just because I won't make out with you, doesn't mean I can't hold your hand in the front seat." Luna says buckling her seatbelt.

"Oh no Luna I won't make out with her either." I say and Lexa sighs as she pulls out of the drive way.

"Oooooo! Trouble in paradise?" Luna says laughing. Lexa is about to respond but I answer for her.

"Nothing that Alexandra doesn't regret." Lexa rolls her eyes and grabs my hand. Luna is in the back dying of laughter.

We arrive to school and Raven runs up and hugs Luna. Lexa and I awe and they both blush. Lexa wraps her arm around me and I reach up and entwine our fingers. She looks at me and smiles. I smile back.

We walk over to the truck and everyone was talking about something different. "Hey guys." I say as we walk up.

"Hey Clexa." Octavia says back.

"Oh I see what you did there." Lexa says laughing. I roll my eyes. "Anyway. What are you guys talking about."

"Wellllll Lincoln's dad owns a cabin. We were thinking of inviting all of you guys this weekend." Octavia says.

"We are sooooo in!" Luna says as she wraps an arm around Lexa's shoulders and is holding Ravens hand. Lexa elbows her and she grunts. "Words Lexa. You use them when people are annoying you."

"Awe. But that's no fun." Lexa said winking. "Anyway ya we need a get away real bad."

"Why?" Octavia asked.

"Uh- um." Both Lexa and Luna say.

"Their backs are killing them from marching band." Raven says quickly.

"Fact." Lexa says pointing at Raven.

"Ok then. I'll text the group chat with details." Lincoln says and Octavia smiles.

This will be perfect.

You guys thought I was going to have Clarke day "I love you" HA! I FOOLED YOU!!!!!

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