Chapter 21

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I wake up with pain in my back. It is so hot in here. I look around and see that everyone is still asleep. I go to move but I am stopped by something holding my hand. I look at another hand that is wrapped in mine and see that hand belongs to non other than Lexa. She was sound asleep and she was so peaceful. So adorable. The way her jaw line curved. They way her eye brows would come together and then relax like she is really thinking in her dream. She was amazing.

I slowly release my grip on her hand and slip out to the room and make my way to the bathroom. I don't bother closing the door cause I wasn't going to use the toilet. I look in the mirror to see my face is a dark pink color. "Wow..." I say just looking at myself. I put some water in my hands and lightly dab it on my face.

"Ouch. That sucks." A raspy voice says from the doorway. I turn to see the one and only Lexa. My one and only Lexa. "Here let me help." Lexa walks over to a cabinet in the bathroom and grabs a bottle of aloe. "This should help"

She puts some of the aloe on her fingertips and lightly rubs it on my face. It feels so good I let out the a sigh. The cool sensation felt amazing. After Lexa was done she washed her hands and came over to me.

"You really are bad with the sun." She laughed.

"Hey! Stop laughing!" I say lightly smacking her shoulder. "I bet you got burnt somewhere!" She just smirks.

"I told you princess. I tan like a god." She says and puts her hands on my shoulders.

At the touch I groan and move away. "Ouch!"

"Clarke take your shirt off."


"Take your shirt off, I know you have a bra on take the shirt off." I stare her in the eyes for a second.

"Turn around." She does as told. I take of my shirt and the movement hurts. I look at my shoulders and they are bright red. "Oh heda no."

Lexa turns around and gasps. "Oh my heda, Clarke!" She takes the aloe and rubs it ever so lightly on my back. It feels so good. So cold. And also it being her hands puts shocks through my body. I hear a snap at the door and turn to see Luna and Raven taking pictures of Lexa rubbing my bare back.

"Get em Griffin!" Raven shouts.

"Go Woods, Woot woot!" Luna says smirking at Lexa. They must me best friends cause they seem close.

I throw my shirt back on. As Lexa washes her hands. We walk out of the bathroom and go down stairs to everyone. "Morning guys" Lexa says.

I sit on the couch and Lexa sits on the floor right in front of me. I put my feet across her shoulders and she messages my foot. Why does she treat me like this. Like I'm a queen.

"You guys have a fun night?" May asked. "You seem rather... close." She says wiggling her eyebrows.

"Say another word Mya and I will personally break all of your mallets." Mya glares at Lexa and everyone one just laughs.

"Getting protective of your girl?" Luna asks.

"Luna I will take you right here right now." Lexa says.

"You're on babe! You will wish you never challenged me!" Luna says getting up from her spot next to Raven. Lexa stands up and they both head outside. We all follow.

"You ready?" Lexa asked.

"Born ready." Luna states.

Both girls take off their shirts. They were both wearing sport bras like they were preparing for this moment all night. Luna has a very slim stomach that's not bad in the eyes. Then you look at Lexa and she has steel abs. They are almost too big. I wasn't arguing though. They get in positions and start the fight. They were actually good. It was like they were professional wrestlers. At one point Luna has Lexa on the floor in a head lock.

"Come on Lex!" I shout. With that she is able to break free from Luna and pins her down. She has her in the same position she had that jock in on the second day of school for me. Luna taps out.

"I'm. Better. Than. You." Lexa says through panting. I go over to her and give her a hug.

"That was really cool I didn't know you could fight." I say to Lexa.

"Hey! I can fight too! Your not saying anything to me!!" Luna says breaking between Lexa and I.

"Oh don't worry Luna! You looked the hottest out there." I say to her then smirk at Lexa and wake away. I can hear Luna making fun of her from here.


After a couple hours of talking we all get changed and ready to go to the mall. I get in Lexa's Jeep with Octavia, Mya, and Harper.

Luna, Indra, and Echo (who I totally forgot was one of my characters but shhhh she has been here the whole time.) get in Ravens red truck.

"Ok music time!!" Harper shouts as we back out of the drive way. She presses the radio from the back seat. The radio was on some rap song.

"Oh HEDA NO!!" Lexa says and changes the radio to some rock station. 'Runaway By Bon Jovi' comes on and Lexa smiles. I turn and look at the back seat and Mya and Harper are pouting. I laugh.

I put my hand on Lexa's gear shift. It's a habit I wasn't even thinking. She put her hand right on top of mine and started rubbing my hand with her thumb. I shift my hand a little until we are both holding hands. This simple action makes me question everything. About myself and about what my mother taught was right and wrong. I wanted to sit there and have her hold my hand forever.

I look down at my phone and see that I was tagged in something.


These two lovebirds

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These two lovebirds... make me sick... just date already!
Tagged: Lexwoods, Little_Griffin

I look up from my phone and release Lexa's hand. I forgot they were here. "REALLY O!! Take it down!!"

Lexa jumped at my raised voice and loss of contact. "What it's not fake! Your nails are blue and you two are adorable!" Octavia says winking at me.

We pull up to the mall and I jump in the back and try to grab her phone. I feel someone lift me out of the car. I turn to see Lexa holding me. How is she so strong.

The rest of our friends get out of the car. Ravens car pulls up and all of them get out. Octavia runs to Raven to show her the picture. Everyone huddle around her. Even Lexa. I burry my face in my hands. This is going to be a long mall day.

Hey guys how are you all doing!! Some quick things I want to address! When I say "Oh my Heda!" I am saying that so I don't offend people that follow curtain religions. I just don't want people hating on me. Also happy Memorial Day! ALSO! How are you liking season 6 so far!?!?!

(1238 words)

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