Chapter 100

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*Group chat*

Lexa🥁- today is national couples day so you need to all appreciate my gorgeous baby

Raven😉- I feel like that was a threat and i'm scared not to appreciate her....

Lexa🥁- oh you better be scared.

Clarke🦝- babe. as adorable as this is I would rather be appreciating me upstairs in your room than you being in the gym room texting the group chat.

Octavia😙- "appreciating me upstairs in your room"

Lincoln🏋🏼‍♂️- 👀

Clarke🦝- oh all of you get your head out of the gutter we are in highschool for heaven sake! high schoolers don't just gradually have sex, this isn't vampire diaries!

Mya❤️- .....go off girl....

Lexa🥁- i'll be upstairs in a few minutes

Luna💧- me and my girlfriend are trying to... appreciate each other... you guy mind shutting up for a little?

Lincoln🏋🏼‍♂️- 👀

Octavia😙- 🤭

Mya❤️- 🙈

Luna💧- if anyone continues that thread of emojis i will cough on your grandma.

Monty♻️- jesus ch-

Jasper⭐️- she ain't messing around.

Luna's POV

I toss my phone to the other side of the bed. Turning on my side I wrap my arms around my beautiful girlfriend. She giggles while I pull her on top of me and kiss her jaw lightly.

"You know everyone is going to think we ar-" I cut her off with a sweet kiss.

"Let them think what they want to think... let's just be here... with each other... right now..." I speak quietly and move a couple of strains of hair behind her ear.

She leans down to catch my lips. I open my mouth a little to capture her mouth better. It feels like an eternity until she pulls away, when in reality it was only 5 seconds.

I trace my fingers on the skin of her waist were the tank top that she is wearing road up a little. She just looks at me and smiles.

"What are you doing?" I ask and she smiles a little more.

"Appreciating you." her whisper fills my heart. I can feel my pupils grow. I have no clue how I am going to show this beautiful women how much I love her.

I know I am going to marry her. I know that. I already have it planned out. It's perfect in my head. And honestly everything could go wrong. All the plans in my head could end horribly, but as long as she says yes. As long as she is happy by the end of the night, i'll be happy.

"What are you thinking about?" She asks me and lightly traces her finger on my jaw.

"Do you want me to be honest?" I ask and her eyes grow more concerned.

"Always." She leans away from me a little. I pull her closer.

"I'm thinking about how I will marry you one day, Raven Reyes..." I say and her smile grows. I love it when she does that.

"And one day I will say yes...." She whispers and leans down to kiss me.

(you'll get more seamech later)

Clarke's POV

Lexa comes into the room all sweaty and shitless. With a smile and jumps into the bed with me.

"Ew! You smell!" I joke around as she cuddles on top of me. I find she likes to do this after workouts or long days. She likes it when she lays on top of me and I rub my finger nails up and down her back.

"Mmm." She smiles against my chest as I rub her sweaty back.

"This is gross." I joke with her and she just pushes herself up to look at me. With a small smile she kisses me. Her lips taste like sweat and strawberries.

I pull away from the kids and laugh, "Where did you get strawberries?" I ask her chuckling.

"Shhh." She lets out and then pushes herself to lay next to me. I smile and prop myself up on my elbow. I look down at my beautiful angel.

"Seriously we are in quarantine... if you are hiding strawberries from me you better tell me." I say and she leans up to kiss me. I taste the strawberry off her tongue and pull away. I get on my knees and smack her with a pillow. "Lexa Woods! Where are the strawberries!"

"On my lips." Her smirk carried through the room as she pulls me on top of her. Her hands magically drift into my back pockets as our lips connect.

"Lexa!" I hear Aden call out as he opens the door. I quickly roll off of her but her hands are in my back pocket so all I really do is flip us over so she is on top. Wait that's not right...

Lexa removes her hands and sits up looking at Aden, "What were you and Clarke doing?" Aden asks and Lexa smirks.

"Appreciating each other." Lexa says and he shrugs getting on the bed with a little bit of paper. "What up buddy?"

Aden crawls into Lexa's lap. Her hand brushes a bit of hair out of his face as she looks at the paper in his hands.

"Subtraction, huh?" Lexa says and Aden nods with a bit of a frown. Lexa reads the paper then points at something, "Well you got it correct here."

Aden smile grows, "I just don't get that one." Aden says pointing at something. Lexa smiles down at her little brother. She kisses his head.

"Well then, let's figure it out." Lexa and Aden start getting to work on the subtraction problem. I smile at them. That's my family. I love them so much.


After a shower, Lexa walks into our room. I am sketching in a notebook. Lexa comes in wearing a nice button up shirt and her nice jeans. One of the only pair that isn't ripped. She wears a beautiful grin as she takes my hand to pull me off the bed.

"My love, I have a surprise. Get dressed." She says and she kisses my cheek. "I'll be in the living room." She runs downstairs.

I grin as I put on my blue dress that she loves. I do some light makeup and make sure my hair is pretty before I run downstairs

Lexa jumps up from the couch and scoops me into her arms. I giggle as she walks out to her backyard. There is a small blanket on the grass with food laying on it. There are also many pillows.

Lexa lays down on the pillows with me on top of her. With a long reach she grabs a container full of strawberries.

"So you did have strawberries!" I gasp and take one.

"I didn't say that I didn't have strawberries." She smirks and I kiss her.

This will be the perfect night.


Luna's POV

I lay with my head on Ravens chest with my arms wrapped around her. Her legs are wrapped around my body as we watch her favorite movie.

Aden walks in the room with a questioning look, "Luna what does appreciating mean?" He has a cute look on his face.

I sit up to grab my water, "what do you mean?" I ask while taking a sip of water.

"Lexa said she was appreciating Clarke when I walked in there room." Aden says and I choke on my water. Raven is laughing uncontrollably.

Dear God why me...

happy nation couples day to my beautiful g- i'm kidding i'm lonely hahahaha

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