Chapter 122

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"Disney!" Raven yells while everyone walks up to the front gates of the theme park. Everyone already got their tickets and are each holding their significant other's hand. Murphy is walking with a back of popcorn, that no one knows where he got it.

Once their tickets are scanned, they all walk in the park to look at the big Cinderella castle. It is bigger in real life than it is in pictures. Clarke squeezes Lexa's hand with excitement. Raven and Octavia are bouncing up and down like the 5 year olds across from the group.

"Look at it, Lexa!" Clarke points up at the castle, "It is so big!" Lexa leans down and kisses Clarke in the head while Octavia snaps a picture of the two.

"Group selfie!" Octavia said while everyone gets in the view of the camera. The castle stands in the background while everyone smiles at Octavia's phone.

After the photo is take, everyone turns back to look at the castle, "So," Lincoln catches everyone's attention, "Where should we start?"

"We have to get mickey ears before we do anything else," Raven declares them she takes both Octavia and Clarke's hands, dragging them into the gift shop.

The Woods look at each other with smiles and follow their girlfriends into the store. Luna makes her way over to Raven, who is looking at BB-8 mickey mouse ears.

Raven puts them on and looks in the mirror, "What do you think, Lun? You like them?" Luna smiles at her girlfriend.

"They suit you so well." Luna kisses Raven's cheek. Raven holds up a matching pair, "No, I do not think so."

Raven pouts her lip. Luna sighs and puts the ears on. The Latina starts clapping and gets on the tips of her toes so she can kiss Luna, "You look adorable."

"Yeah yeah, let's go buy them." Luna gives Raven a playful eye roll before taking her hand and pulling her to the cashier.

Lincoln and Octavia look through the ears before Octavia finds ears with flowers on them. Octavia smiles and puts them on. Her boyfriend stares at her in awe.

"You like them?" Octavia can't help but smile at the way Lincoln is looking at her.

"I love them." Lincoln kisses Octavia's head and grabs a baseball cap that has ears on it. The ears are little hearts. Lincoln puts the cap on and smiles.

"Suits you." Octavia says and then she grabs Murphy's arm while he is walking by.

"What?" Murphy looks at Lincoln's hat, "Nice hat... makes you look like the softie you are." Murphy says then Octavia puts ears that match her on Murphy's head.

"You look so pretty!" Octavia smiles while adjusting the head band on Murphy's head. Murphy rolls his eyes.

"I'm not wearing flower ears." Murphy says but before he takes them off, Lincoln stops him.

"Either you wear the ears or I tell Bellamy about the massive crush you had on him all throughout high school." Lincoln threatens. Murphy's face gets red and he sighs.

"I'll go pay for it." Murphy walks away and Linctavia smile at each other.

Lexa and Clarke also look through the headbands. Lexa pulls out a headband with the ears on it and smiles. The ears look like little lion ears, "I think I found one for you." Lexa grins while she puts the headband on Clarke.

"And I found one for you." Clarke puts the bright pink ears on Lexa who gives her girlfriend an unamused look.

"No." Lexa simply says while she takes the ears off. Clarke laughs before picking up a basketball cap that has ears on them, "That's better." Lexa puts the hat on.

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