Chapter 119

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Octavia😙- are we just going to ignore the fact that clexa and seamech went to a private island without us?

Lincoln🏋🏼‍♂️- they wHat?

Raven😉- it wasn't all rainbows and sunshine O

Murphy🦗- OoOooO drama :)

Mya❤️- oh look. murphy is actually awake

Murphy🦗- i would flip you off but i don't want to mentally destroy your sensitive soul

Harper😈- that very thoughtful murphy :)

Murphy🦗- thank you i try :)

Jasper⭐️- shhh i wanna hear the drama

Luna💧- long story short, henry sent four people to constantly flirt with one of us until i had enough and beat up the guy flirting with raven

Lincoln🏋🏼‍♂️- as you should

Luna💧- thank you thank you

Murphy🦗- i would think lexa would be the one to beat someone up

Lexa🥁- clarke said no :(

Mya❤️- whipped

Clarke🦝- hell yeah she is


Lexa and Clarke are in the kitchen, both eating some cereal. The two just share heart eyes while they eat.

Raven walks in with a slumped back, walking right over to the coffee pot. Raven pours coffee into her mug.

"Morning." Lexa says and Raven glares at her.

"Shut up." Raven says then chugs the coffee. Luna walks in the the same tired expression and gets her own coffee.

"Someone is cranky this morning." Clarke says with a small laugh while eating another bite of her cereal.

"Yeah, that's because you two kept us up all night." Lexa and Clarke blush a dark shade of red at what Luna says.

"Okay, but you be fair... she just got out of the shower." Lexa puts her finger up and Raven groans.

"I don't care!" Raven drinks more of her coffee, "Be a lot quieter next time." Clarke rolls her eyes.

"You say that like you and Luna weren't loud on our way home on the boat. We got no sleep but didn't complain." Clarke points out and Seamech blushes.

"That's all Raven." Luna points at her girlfriend who's jaw drops.

"Babe, six out of ten times you are on the bottom." Raven states and Luna gasps.

"That's not true." Luna says in a higher pitch voice.

Clarke laughs, "At least Lexa here knows her place at the bottom and respects me at the top." Clarke takes Lexa's hand.

"Hey now. I'm not a bottom. I am a top." Lexa gives Clarke a pouty face. Everyone looks at her and speaks at the same time.

"Bottom." Lexa rolls her eyes at her family and goes back to eating her cereal, holding a grumpy expression on her face.

"Why do you guys keep fighting about top and bottom?" Aden says from the door way, "I'd be happy to just have a bunk bed."

Lexa chokes on her cereal and Luna almost snorts her coffee. Clarke holds in her laugh while Raven covers her mouth. Aden looks at all of them, confused.

"Well, buddy... when you get older you will realize that being on the top bunk holds a certain... ego to it. Being on the top is something people brag about." Lexa explains while trying not to laugh.

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