Chapter 123

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Gets a little political, so if you do not want to read that just skip to the last *** and to anyone that is having a hard time rn because of this election just message me I will try my best to respond quickly.

The four pack into Lexa's car, waving Anya goodbye from the window and pulling out of the drive way. Now they are all of age and they can finally vote.

The group makes it to their way to the towns library where everyone is voting. The four get out of the car and get in the line.

"I've been waiting to do this for four years," Raven says, "I feel like if the orange stays in office all of our rights are gone." Raven whispers to the other three so no one else hears.

Luna puts her arm around Raven, "Hopefully enough people can see that." Lexa nods at her sister and then kisses Clarke's head.

"Sucks for us because this is a red state. Too many people in Florida are idiots." Luna says.

"Amen to that." Lexa agreed with her sister while they inch up in the line, "I seriously don't know about this one. This could go either way and I just want to be able to marry Clarke in the future."

Everyone nods in agreement while they stand silently in the line. A fat man comes behind them in the line. You can tell just from the look of him who he is voting for.

The man is ugly with a bald head. He has a couple sprouts of hair that look like they could fall out at any slight movement. The man is eating a pub-sub (to those who don't live in florida and don't know what those are... i'm sorry for your lose it's the only good part of florida)

The couples go into their own conversations. Clexa, who was closest to the man, start talking about the move, "So we have those three apartment options we should go and look at tomorrow." Lexa says and Clarke nods.

"Yes, I was looking at the our favorite one again and it I think we will be able to get it with a good price." Clarke explains to her girlfriend, well aware the man is listening because he is staring right at each of them while they speak.

"Aren't you and Raven doing that girls day today?" Lexa checks her phone to see a notification from Anya. Lexa responds and then puts her phone back in her pocket.

Clarke loves how when they are talking Lexa always looks at her like she is the only person in the world. Not even talking, Lexa always looks at Clarke like she is the one.

"Yes, could you drop us off at the mall?" Clarke asks and Lexa nods, "Octavia will drive us back." They inch forward in the line.

"What do you want for dinner?" Lexa asks and Clarke thinks.

"Ask Aden. I think he said something about ravioli," Clarke answers while Lexa puts her arm across her girlfriends shoulders. The man behind them scoffs. They ignore it.

Lexa just decides to make it work by looking down at Clarke and saying, "I love you, beautiful." Lexa pulls Clarke chin up to kiss her.

"Stop!" The man yells, gaining the whole lines attention, "This is against the law!"

"We aren't doing anything." Clarke responds with her arms crossed. There is a little food hanging off the fat mans lips.

"Yes you are! You are trying to make me vote for the gay one!" The man points at Lexa who thinks for a moment.

"Sir . . . both men in this election are straight. There isn't a gay one. There is one that is going to be better for the LGBTQ community, but we aren't telling you to vote him." Lexa explains to the stupid man in front of them.

"Is there a problem here?" One of the workers asks the man, ignoring the girls. The fat man nods.

"These two are breaking the law!" The man points at Lexa and Clarke who just roll their eyes simultaneously. The worker looks between the three before he speaks.

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