Chapter 64

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The gun shot was loud and Lexa jumps off me. I try to get up but she pushes me back on the bed. She runs out of the room and in almost no time runs back with Aden.

"Clarke, whatever you do.... protect him... protect yourself, I'll be back! I promise... don't come for me." Lexa says cupping my face with one hand. I hold Aden.

"Lexa what was that!" Aden says with worry in his eyes. She looks at him with love.

"Nothing Aden, it will be okay." Lexa says and she kisses his head then kisses me. She runs out of the room locking the door behind her.

"Come on Aden! We are going to go in the closet." I say and I pick him up and run over to Lexa's closet. I get in it and close the door. I put Aden in a corner and covered him in some of Lexa's clothes making it look natural.

"What's going on clarke?!" Aden says with worry.

"Aden whatever you do promise me you will stay hidden. Whatever happens you stay there until you hear the policemen say it's okay..." I say to Aden and he nods.

"Ok hide your head." I say and I lean my back lightly on the clothes as to make him look naturally hidden. I hear another gun shot and jump at the noise.

Lexa's POV

I run downstairs and see Luna running down too. Raven is with her. "Both if you go outside and call the cops. Wait out there until they come and make sure they are quiet coming in... this man has a gun." I say and they nod following my directions.

I run into my parents bedroom. Henry is standing in-front of Anya blocking her from the man with a gun. The man is big, he has a black hat on and sunglasses. There is a broken pot on the floor that must have been what the man shot.

"What is going on here?!" I yell catching everyone's attention.

"Lexa get out of here! Safe them!" Henry yells.

"I don't know who you are talking about Henry! It's only us three in the house!" I say glaring at him.

"What about Aden and Clarke!" Anya yells and I swear sometimes they are so stupid.

"Clarke spent the night at O's and Aden when to the Greens place last night." I say and they both understand what I am doing.

"Oh okay!" Henry says and the man with a gun clears his throat.

"Who are you!" I yell walking closer and he pulls his gun out to me.

"I am Marco an-" before the man could finish I cut him off.

"Polo." He looks at me stunned.

"Are you really making fun of my name child." He walks up face to face with me. Anya try's to get to me but Henry holds her back. He slams me against a wall and puts the gun up to my throat.

"I wasn't making fun of it... I was just playing a game." I say... he holds the gun to my neck and turns the safety off.

Luna's POV

I rush Raven out side and tell her to go to Octavia's.

"No I'm not leaving you!" She say staying near me.

"Raven go to O's." I say pulling out my phone.


"Raven GO!!" I yell the last word. I pull her in and kiss her. I then give her my car keys and she does what she is told.

"911 what is your emergency?" The dispatcher asks.

"There is someone with a gun in my house... he is a dangerous so send your cops with no sirens on or he will shoot someone." I say in a whisper looking into my house. The woman asked me more questions then says "the police are on their way, are you out of the house."

"Ya I got me and my girlfriend out of the house." I say looking at the house then back at the rode waiting for the police.

"Girlfriend... what is her name?" She asks. I know what she is doing.

"No no! You can't try and distract me from the fact that my little brother and twin are in a house with someone with a gun." I say and jump when I hear another gun shot. I hear my mother scream bloody murder. She runs out of the house with Henry.

"Luna! Where is everyone else?!" Henry runs up to me.

"Where is Lexa?!" I yell at him. The police cars get there and I throw my phone at Henry and run back into the house. People try and grab me but I run past them.

I see blood trailing out of my parents bedroom. I turn to see Lexa in the floor near the window.

There is blood all around her and the person with the gun is no where in sight.

Before I could reach down and touch Lexa's face four police men drag me out of the house.


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