Chapter 85

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Clarke's POV

Lexa picks Laura and I up. I sit in the front with Lexa. Laura is in the back with Raven and Luna who are sharing stories about the group.

"And then Bellamy picked Clarke up and brought her into the water. Lexa was all jealous that during the time Clarke was underwater she glared at Bellamy and gave him the 'back off my girl' look and then she melted when she looked at Clarke. And that was our first beach day." Raven recalled.

"Raven remind me to spray sunscreen in your eyes later." Lexa says with her hand on my thigh.

I laugh. "Babe if you do that she won't be able to see all your hotness." I say looking at her abs, seeing as she has an unbuttoned flannel with a bikini top on.

"Subtle Clarke." Laura says playfully.

"Har har get out of my girlfriends car." I say as Lexa pulls up to the beach. We are greeted by our friends. They all meet Laura and give her a huge.

"Clarke I'm intimidated." She whispers to me as she watches Lexa take off her flannel and watched her put the quads on her body and her and Lincoln start playing around. Yes the drumline brought their drums.

"You'll get used to it." I say laughing as I walk onto the beach.

We all laugh and hang out. Lexa and Lincoln put on a show and people even handed them money as they walked by.

After 15 mins Lexa put her drum down and layer next to me on my towel. "Hey babygirl" she says smiling at me and I smile back at her.

"Hey Lex." I whisper. She kisses me lightly. My hand goes up to her jaw and her hand goes to my bare back.

"Ew! Get a room!" Murphy calls out kicking sand on Lexa. She breaks the kiss and looks at him with her mouth open.

"Did you just kick dirt on me?" She asks and he cusses under his breath. "I'll give you a 2 second head start." Lexa says and Murphy starts running. Lexa stands up and runs after him. I laugh as I watch Murphy run for his life.

Now everyone is chasing Murphy. Lincoln, Luna, Jasper, Monty, and Lexa were all chasing him as us girl watched and laughed.

Jasper jumped in front of him making him fall and Lexa kicked sand up just swim suit. "AWE COME ON!" Murphy shouts running into the ocean.


Lexa was taking a shower and I was brushing my hair after my shower. Laura took a shower in the guest bathroom. Lexa comes into the room with a shorts bra and basketball shorts. She walks up behind me and snakes her arms around my body. She kisses my cheek lightly.

"Guys I'm still in here." Laura says from the bed on her phone.

"You know I could always fix that problem, right?" Lexa said and I hear Laura gulp. "Anyway... I am going to get in my suit." Lexa said and she walks into my closet grabbing her suit and walks into the bathroom.

"Why is she getting into a suit?" Laura asked as I pulled a black dress out of my closet.

"It's a long story but you have to stay here." I say as I get changed. Laura watched her phone. Lexa walked in with her pants socks and white button up on and the tie hanging around her neck but not tied. She has her jacket on my bed. She is tucking in her shirt.

"We have somewhere we have to go." Lexa says as she looking in my mirror tying her tie. She puts her jacket and shoes on as I apply light make up.

"You are stuck with my mom!" I say laughing and Lexa leans on the wall.

"Okay." Laura says and we all walk out of my room.

"Hey Clarke... where are you and Lexa going?" Abby asks and Marcus looks at both us.

"Looking sharp Woods." He says with a light smile. Marcus has became a father to Lexa. It's sweet.

"Thanks Mr. Kane." Lexa says with a nod and she puts her hand on my back. "We have to go."


We pull up way the church and meet up with the rest of the drumline. We all take our seats near the back. A woman with tears in her eyes walks over and hugs Lexa.

"Thank you thank you thank you. Thank you for coming." She says crying. "Hayden would love to know you are here. All of you." She says letting go of Lexa looking at the drum line.

"Of course Mrs. Hairn" Lexa says. She looks around. "The church looks lovely." The tears in the mother's eyes are growing.

"Thank you. I- I have to go." She says lightly.

Lexa sits with me as we watch the ceremony. She holds my hand the whole time. I can see tears threatening to come out. She is remaining strong.

It's the mothers speech. "I- I lost my boy... he was nothing but joy and love. All he showed was care. He knew that one day he would be something big. Someone big. He- he tried so hard to fight. He tried to be the best he could be everyday... it shows you how we take little things for granted. How we waste days on end. Hayden told me he was ready. He told me he was ready to go. As a mother. Hearing he was ready to leave me. I-" she stops and swallows her tears. "He... he... we was going to be somebody... he was my everything." She looks at the picture of Hayden smiling back at her. "My little boy I'm so sorry." Her tears escaping and taking over her. "I lost you! You will never have your first kiss. You will never go to prom or learn how to study... you will never grow up and have a family... you will never learn to love. You won't have the life we all dreamed for you and im so sorry I couldn't protect you." She says and she cry's for a moment.

I look at Lexa. She is hiding many tears that are trying to battle their way out.

"Hayden has always looked up to someone. Lexa Woods and her drumline. They are here today and I was wondering. Lexa could you say some words?" The mom asks and Lexa tenses you. The whole room turns to her.

Lexa's POV

I gulp as I stand up and walk to the front podium. I look out into the crowed and clear my throat. I see many glossy eyes and watering eyes.

"I- uh... I didn't know Hayden like you wonderful people did. But... Hayden didn't die in vain. He died surround by love and hope. He... he was ready... and not a lot of people can say they are ready... Hayden had dreams. Hayden was in, I'm not going to talk for the whole drum line, but he was in our hearts. He built us stronger. He made us strong. I... I can't imagine loosing my son. I can't imagine loosing..." I pause and look at Clarke. "I can't imagine loosing anyone I love. This world is scary. One moment you could be holding them close and the next they are gone. But. Hayden. I know he will make us all better people. Give us hope. Give us love. So ya... uh." I say nodding and walk back to my seat.

I s it down and take Clarke's hand quickly not letting go of it for the rest of the night.

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