Chapter 111

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Anya's POV (This was the day before the twins birthday)

I come out of the laundry room to see Henry handing Aden over to Mrs. Green. She waves at me and I give her a confused smile. Henry closes the doors and smiles at me, "Hello, darling." He says as he kisses my cheek and walks away, "Playdate!" He calls back, answering my unasked question.

I just nod and bring Aden's folded up clothes up to his room. While I am putting his clothes away I nice and quiet it is. I smile down at the clothes before I realise... how nice and... quiet... it is. In a house with four adult(ish)'s, quiet is never an option.

I go to Luna and Raven's room to see if they are napping. They aren't there. Maybe they are in Clarke and Lexa's room watching a movie. I knock on their door. Nothing. Opening the door, I look around to see there is also nothing.

Weird... I go down the stairs and into the garage were the twins like to go to practice boxing and drums while girlfriends usually follow and cuddle on the couch, drawing and building. They aren't in there.

I make my way to the game room. Usually the couples team up against each other in pool or fooseball. These kids really are adorable. They do everything together. They are just one big family. But they aren't in there.

Living room? I walk into the living room to find Henry sitting on the couch holding two glasses of wine. I smile at him and he smiles back. I join Henry on the couch and he hands me the glass of red wine.

"Little quiet, huh?" He starts.

"Mhm," I take a sip of wine, "Where are my babies?" Henry smiles while putting his glass on the coffee table.

"I was hoping you would ask." I shrug and nod.

"Its what any concerned mother would ask." He points at me as if he is agreeing.

"I thought about what you said about the twins finding their one true loves... so I sent them to my private island." Henry says easily but I raise my eyebrow.

"What's the catch?" Henry smiles and leans forward to kiss my cheek. He pulls out his phone to get pictures ready for me. He shows me a picture of four people standing together, each of them very attractive. There are two boys and two girls.

"These are four actors-slash-actresses I hired to flirt endlessly with a specific person." My jaw drops when I hear his plan.

"You do understand this is a horrible idea... the two sent to flirt with Raven and Clarke are going to come out of this with at least a broken nose, or, you are going to mess with two perfectly happy relationships." I scoot away from Henry so I can yell at him easier.

"You see I thought about that! Lexa is the strongest so Clarke go the biggest man," Henry points at his phone, "He will be harder to break. Raven gets the other man cause he can probably withstand Luna... and the girls will be fine."

"You seriously underestimate Clarke and Raven, don't you?" Henry nods but then smiles.

"Anya you siad this might put a strain on their relationships, but if it puts a strain on their relationships... are they really meant to be?" Henry explains to me and I just stare at him, tryiing to hold in my anger.

"Yes... they are meant to be, because someone constantly flirting with Clarke is going to make Lexa angry and violent which makes Clarke uncomfortable! And someone constantly flirting with Lexa is going to make Clarke think she isn't good enough for Lexa so she is going to flirt back with the man to see if Lexa really wants her. That will make Lexa even more angry and she will probably beat up the man." Henry nods along to what I say with a smile. Like it is a good thing!

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