Chapter 125

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Lexa and Luna both practice on their drum pads, focused so they do not make mistakes. Each stick being thrown down at a speed that Clarke can't even comprehend. There are beads of sweat on both of the twins heads.

Clarke watched the two sitting on the couch with their practice pads on their laps while she eats some cheap pasta she made. Raven walks into the apartment but the twins keep their attention on the sticks moving. The Woods both have their eyes on their own sheet music, even though they have practiced enough to have it memorized.

"I am here to pick up my kid." Raven says while grabbing a fork from the utensils drawer and joining Clarke in her meal.

"They have been playing this sheet of music for an hour. Once they finish they both take a minute and then Luna taps off again." Clarke explains the pattern she has been watching while Raven focuses on the pasta.

"Figured. I mean they have practice in the bands tomorrow. They could easily get cut in the first week." Raven says and then just takes Clarke's plate.

"They shouldn't be stressed. They have played it perfectly for 45 minutes." Clarke says while she goes to the mini fridge and pulls out two cokes. Raven takes her coke from Clarke.

"You know them, always stressed." Raven walks back to the apartment door, "Luna!" The twins look up at Raven, both with cranky faces for breaking their concentration.

"Don't give her that face. Time to go to your own house." Clarke says while going to the couch's and pulling Luna up. Luna sighs and grabs her things.

"Not even ten more minutes?" Luna asks while Clarke starts pushing her to the door.

"No. We have things to do." Raven smiles at her girlfriend. Luna can't help but he drawn to the smile. Raven takes her girlfriends hand with the hand that isn't holding the stolen food.

Clarke closes the door behind Seamech. They cross the hall and go into their apartment. Clarke turns back to Lexa, her green eyed drummer is already back in focus mode.

"Baby-" Clarke says Lexa's nickname to try and get her attention. It works and Lexa looks up at the blonde with cute puppy eyes.

"Yes, my love?" Lexa says and Clarke smiles at her, "I have to practice."

"No you don't. You will be okay." Clarke moves really practice pad off Lexa's lap and puts it on the coffee table in front of them. Lexa puts the drum sticks down. Clarke pretends to not stare at her girlfriend's after drum hands which are incredibly veiny.

Lexa lays down on the couch and puts her arms out for Clarke. Clarke doesn't hesitate to fall onto her girlfriend, "You got this, baby. Do the damn thing." Clarke mutters into Lexa's chest, causing a chuckle from the older girl.

"Thank you, my love." Lexa kisses her girlfriends head, "I just can't mess up, you know. This is the only way I can be here with you and he cuts people easily."

Clarke sits up a little and cups Lexa's face, "Lex, you have been practicing for months. The same three warm ups for months." Clarke shakes her girlfriends face a little. Lexa smiles.

"Yeah it has been quite repetitive." The brunette adjusts a little, "Enough about me. Tell me what is going on in your world. Are you ready for classes tomorrow."

"I am actually. I am going straight to human anatomy." Clarke gives Lexa's jaw a little kiss. Lexa wraps her arms around Clarke so that her girl was right there, safe from everything.

"You know, I can always help you with that homework if you ever need it." Lexa smirks and Clarke laughs.

"There are charts and diagrams for that." Clarke hugs her girlfriend.

"Yeah.... However." Lexa holds Clarke's waist, "I know you are a very visual learner."

"And I know you are very distracting when I try to study because your attention span is the size of a quarter." Clarke give Lexa a small kiss on her pouty lips.


"I'll let you know if I need help." Clarke smiles and Lexa cheers.

"I win." Lexa picks Clarke up while she stands, "Okay to bed, my lady. We have so studying to do!" Lexa starts making her way to the bedroom while Clarke laughs.


Lexa and Luna walk onto the field. There are already people standing around the field warming up on practice pads. The drums are already set up on an arch.

The twins walk over to a small area and put their things down. They look around and then look at each other, "This is it." Luna gulps.

"No one will be cut today, Lun. It is just going to be the fight for center in each section. And you will become the captain of snares." Lexa puts her hand on her sisters shoulder in the most reassuring way she can.

"And you will become the center of quads. We have practiced hard enough... I think." Luna takes another gulp.

"We got this." Lexa says and they hear a whistle. Everyone looks over and a man who is holding a clip board.

The man has brown combed back hair. His face holds a stubble beard and small bags under his generically blue eyes. Lexa starts wondering about Clarke's eyes that are superior to all blue eyes, but she snaps out of it. The man has on basketball shorts on and a lanyard sticking out of his pocket with a with t-shirt on. The man looked to be in his 30's.

"Line up." He says in a calm voice. No one moves. The brown haired man looks up from his clipboard at everyone, "Are you dead? Get on the line." He raises his voice a little and everyone rushed to get on the line.

Lexa and Luna sand next to each other in their set position. Their feet at a 45° angle and their hands down to their side with their heads facing up. Everyone is in the same position.

"Good. I am Rob. This isn't high school anymore. This is where those years of learning and growth are put into work. I promise you, you will enjoy this band if you put in the effort to love it." Rob looks at everyone.

"All of you deserve to be here." Rob's eyes pause on Lexa, "Most of you, anyway. Slacking won't be handled lightly. I will push you and you are probably going to hate me, but by the time this season is over you won't regret it."

There is an awful silence that hits everyone in the chest while the words sink in, "Get behind your drums." The drummers all scramble to get to their drums and not make any wrong moves.

Now Lexa is gulping.

I have nothing to say except i'm sorry.... i have been through a lot of writers block and just struggling to get something out that i think you would like. thank you all so much for waiting and i'm going to try to get better. sorry this chapter is so short but thank you so much for waiting

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