Chapter 116

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"Sorry for what? Kissing my girlfriend. I don't want to knock your teeth out but I will." Luna pretty much growls at Wick. He shakes his head and puts his hands up in surrender.

"I didn't want to." Wick pleads and puts his hands down slowly, "Josephine told me to. We are supposed to break you guys up. Each of us were assigned to a person that we had to flirt with. Your father said he would pay us if you guys were split up at the end of this trip."

"Henry?" Lexa asks, walking away from Clarke a little so that she can seem more intimidating to Wick.

"We have no clue what he is talking about." Josephine says and Miko rolls her eyes.

"Oh shut it. You know very well what he is talking about." Miko glares at Josephine who rolls her eyes back, "We each were going to be payed half a million if you all broke up." Raven's and Clarke's jaws drop.

"Half a million... each?" Luna asks and Lexa clenches her jaw as she balls her hands into fists.

"We don't want to actually break you guys up. We think you are wonderful couples." Cillian says and Lexa glares at him.

"I knew I should have knocked your jaw across the island when I had a chance." She mutters and Cillian looks a little scared.

"We are just college actors looking for a way to get out of student debt. We don't want to fight." Wick says while Miko checks his nose. It has stopped bleeding. Cillian points at Wick, silently showing that he agrees with him.

"What about you?" Clarke asks, turning to a cross armed Josephine, "You have been awfully quiet this whole time."

Josephine sighs and us crosses her arms, "I'm not a monster... I didn't want to break you all up. I just wanted my money to help pay some bills." Everyone looks around for a moment with an awkward silence while they take in all this information.

"I am really sorry for trying to kiss Raven." Wick says quietly. Raven looks up at him and then at Luna. She gets on the tips of her toes to kiss her girlfriend.

"Thank you for almost kissing me. It showed me how much Luna really loves me." Raven responds to Wick while looking into Luna's eyes.

"And I am sorry Clarke for crossing boundaries." Cillian says to Clarke who gives him a gentle smile.

"Think about doing it again and I know my girlfriend won't hesitate this time." Clarke says while a smile while Lexa wraps her arms around Clarke. Clarke turns her head to kiss Lexa on the cheek, earning a little blush from the brunette.

"I won't dare." Cillian chuckles with the rest of the group. The tension from the situations lifts off their shoulder and they all just seem like new friends. Lexa and Luna still send the men glares from where they are with their girl friends.

"So can we just not try and kill each other? We still have tonight and tomorrow to live on this island together." Miko says and everyone agrees with her.

"We are at the beach, lets enjoy it." Wick says while he whips off his shirt and runs into the water. Cillian cheers and follows his actions. The Woods family, who are already in their bathing suits, run in after the boys.

"You need to chill out." Miko says to Josephine. The blonde girl rolls her eyes at Miko.

"What do you mean?" She asks with her arms crossed.

"They know. They are now stronger couples than when we first met them." Miko explains to Josephine, "There is no point in trying to flirt or be angry at Clarke." Josephine nods and Miko runs into the water.

"I am going to get that money." Josephine mutters to herself while walking to the water.


"Chicken fight!" Raven calls out and she throws herself on Luna's shoulders. Lexa carries Clarke, Wick carries Miko, and Cillian carries Josephine. The four get in a circle, ready for war.

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