Chapter 46

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"Are we there yet?" Raven says for the 109th time.

"Rae for the 506 time, it's only been 3 hours. It's a 3 day trip. You asking the same question ever three minutes isn't how I want to spend the beginning of my summer." Lexa says rolling her eyes and putting her hand on my thigh. I put a blanket over my lap hiding her hand.

"Ok eyes on the rode. Keep your fingers where we can see them." Luna says and Lexa takes her off of my thigh and slaps Luna. "Ok fine! Go put your finger on you girlfriends-"

"Ok!! All of you might want to hear about Lexa and Clarke's 'fun' moments but I don't!" Murphy said stopping Luna. Raven burst out into laughter. Lexa gets a text and I grabbed her phone.

It was the group chat.

Octavia😙- 3 HOURS DOWN!!

Jasper⭐️- I have to pee

Murphy🦗- we told you to go before the trip.


Harper😈- you're a child

Bellamy🔔- guys make another group chat, one for the trip so that you don't wake the people that aren't going on the trip can sleep.

Mya❤️- whatever bell.

Raven made a new chat:
Added: Octavia😙, Luna💧, Lexa🥁, Clarke🦝, Murphy🦗, Lincoln🏋🏼‍♂️, Jasper⭐️, Monty♻️, Mya❤️, Harper😈

Chat name: SUMMER TRIP!!

Jasper⭐️- I still have to pee...

Monty♻️- ok we'll stop at a gas station get food and use the bathroom.

Lexa nods as I read the text out loud for her. "Tell him I'll follow him."

Lexa🥁- lead the way Monty

Monty♻️- k Clarke

Lexa🥁- COME ON!!


We pull over to the gas station and all get our Lexa walks over to me and starts stretching. I watch her and bite my lip. She looks over and smirks at me.

"Come on lovers." Raven yells and Lexa puts her arm around me as we all walk into the gas station.

In the gas station we all pick out snacks and use the bathroom. Lexa and I go up to the cashier to pay. He checks out our snacks and smirks at me. Lexa frowns.

"So you from around here?" The cashier says smiling at me. Lexa scoffs.

"Um no, 3 hours away." I say paying for the snacks.

"That's not that long, to be with you." I can tell that he is flirting with me and Lexa is glaring at him. I nod and grab the snacks.

"Hey baby!!" Luna says running up behind Lexa and kissing her cheek.

Lexa pushes her off. "Go away Luna!" Lexa says smacking her.

"Tough Love am I right. Those stupid lesbians." The cashier whispers to me smirking. I gasp at him and tap Lexa's shoulder making her turn and look at me. I grab her face and give her a deep kiss. She returns it. She wraps her arms around my waist and I go on the tips of my toes.

I pull away from her and grab the snacks. I smile at the cashier who's jaw is on the floor. I walk out the door. I see Lexa smirk at him and walk out to the car with me. We are the first ones in the car and I put the blankets over my legs and I put Lexa's hoodie on. I look at the time and it's 10:37.

I look at Lexa who is opening a bag of chips. I take the bag of chips from her.

"Hey! I was gonna eat those." She leans in to get the chips and I grab her mouth with mine. My lips fight against hers as I let go of the bag and put my hands in her hair. Her hands go straight to my neck as I sigh in her mouth. She smirks and bites my lip.

The door opens and we break apart. A bit of saliva comes out of my mouth when we pull away.

"Well then..." Murphy says getting in the car and opening his Pringle's. "Don't let me stop you."

"Shut up Murphy." I say and everyone fills up the car again with blankets food drinks and hoodies.

"What did we miss?" Raven says eating a Oreo. I wipe the saliva off my chin. "Oh! Well don't let us stop you." She says smirking.

Lexa rolls her eyes and starts driving again.


It's 12:45 and Lexa pulls up to the first hotel. We grab our backpacks that have extra clothes and bathroom stuff. Lexa and I share a room with Raven and Luna.

I shower first and Lexa showers last. She gets in bed and sighs. Luna and Raven are both already sleeping.

"I'm tired baby." She says and she snuggles her head in my neck and kisses it a couple times. I giggle at the action. She puts her elbow on my stomach and her arm is going up my torso with her hand resting on my chest. I close my eyes and fall straight asleep. Well. Not straight.


Day two in the car and Lexa looks super cute. Like really cute. I don't know why. She is dressed like she normally dresses but today she had this extremely cute glow about her.

The music is playing and Taylor Swift comes on. Lexa's left leg starts jumping up and down. She is holding her breath.

I put my hand on the back of her neck and run my fingers through her hair. She bites her lip. I know she wants to sing alone so bad but there are people in the car. I smirk at her and switch the channel. She sighs.

I love her.


Day three. Final day in the car. Murphy and Raven were having a mad argument.

"Ok so say I was to jump out of the plane!" Raven yells.

"Come on that's a stupid choice!" Murphy says

"Ok let's settle this! If the next car we see is red then I win and if the next car we see is black you win." Raven says.

"What does that have to do with parachutes!!" Murphy says throwing his arms up.

"Clarke if you see a red or a black tell us." Raven yells at me.

"Don't drag me into this!" I say and Lexa puts her hand on my thigh laughing.

"Red." Luna says.

"BOOM I WIN!!" Raven yells in Murphy's face.

"Your girlfriend was lying!!" Murphy argues. Lexa pulls up to the cabin.

"We are here! Get out of my car!" Lexa says parking that car in the drive way.

Lexa and I get out and she grabs my bags and hers. "Lexa I can get my own!" I say and she kisses me and walks in the cabin.

"Ok guys O and I will show you to your rooms." Lincoln says as Octavia grabs my arm and Lexa's dragging us into a small room.

The bed is super tiny. It's a twin size bed. Octavia winks and then walks out of the room. Lexa drops the bags and jumps on the bed. It fits her but that's it.

"Come here cetriolo." She winks.

"Ok can you tell me if that word is at least romantic?" I say walking over to the bed and laying on top of her. My legs wrap around her waist and she rubs her hands up and down my back.

She snorts. "It means cucumber."

"What?!" I say and she laughs. I smack her chest and she just grabs my hand and pulls me close to her. I kiss her lightly. She opens her mouth and our tongues lightly brush against each other. I pull away and she follows like normal. I giggle and she continues kissing me. We both stop gasping for air.

"I think I'm going to like this bedroom very much." Lexa said smiling.

So am I.

So I'm sorry if there are mistakes I literally gave up proof reading it.

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