Chapter 12

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Lexa and I head downstairs to the kitchen and Lexa picks up her little brother and swings him through the air, dancing around. He is laughing nonstop. It was an adorable sight. I could watch her and her brother all day.

You can see the smile burning into her face. She was so happy. At school she is so stone faced and un-human. I like her like this so much. So much.

I walk over to her mom and help get out plates and cups of water ready for her mom.

"Oh thank you darling you didn't need to do that!" Lexas mom said putting mashed potatoes on each plate.

"Oh no it's fine!" I say looking back at Lexa and smiling cause she is on her knees and Aden is giving punches that look like they feel like flies on her but she is acting like it's a hit for Thanos himself. Yes. Imma marvel geek.

"She really like you you know. She never brings anyone to the house. Ever. Not even her drum buddies. Your special." Special. Wow. She thought I was special.

"Thank you. I love watching Lexa so. Care free." I smile a small smile, "you see at school she is this strong person who will show no one her weaknesses and has to be like the alpha in the drum core. I don't know why, she is an amazing drummer. Why can't she be... well.. be herself?" All of that just flooded out of me before I could even come close to stopping it.

Her mom shakes her head and smiles. "She is a girl Clarke. And I'm not saying it in a mood swing kind of thing but, as a girl she has to work harder than males do to impress people, and she knows that. She has to know to show absolutely no weakness or the boys will use it against her. Now I've met the boys and they sound like very sweet young men but they are still boys and they will still think lower of Lexa if she doesn't step it up. She is a very smart girl Clarke. Very smart." She says finishing putting chicken and peas on everyone's plates. "Lexi! Come get yours and your brothers plate!" Anya yells from the kitchen.

Lexa comes over with Aden on her shoulders. She is obviously a little sweaty but I don't mind. She picks up both hers and Aden's food and I grab mine. We make our way to the couch.

Lexa sits and Aden jumps off of her and sits in his moms lap. I sit right next to Lexa, she starts eating and watching the show, which Aden seems to be enjoying so much. She truly is beautiful. Second day of knowing her and I already can't stop looking at her. I can't believe I am sitting here with her and her family. She is so amazing.

A girl that is lead quad player at her school, is really hot, super sweet, has awesome cars, gorgeous abs, and greenest eyes I have ever seen. Wow they were amazing. I could stare in them all day. Its like a need to have her eyes looking in mine. I realize I am staring when I see Lexa smirk still looking at the screen.

I start to eat my food. She caught me.

Hi it's me the author! Thank you for all the reads! Sorry I haven't posted in a while! Next chapter will be about more Clexa! Thank you for waiting! Also check out my next story!! Its called Don't Shoot The Messenger!

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