Chapter 31

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My cheek hurts. I look at my mother with tears in my eyes. "Fine mother! Fine! You want to know this! You want to know what I truly think!" I yell at her.

She stands there ferocious. "I THINK, that Lexa is adorable! I THINK, that Lexa has the most beautiful eyes! I THINK, that Lexa is the smartest person I know! I THINK, that Lexa is so extremely talented! I THINK, Lexa is wonderful and so cute when she is with her little brother! And I THINK, that I want to kiss her EVERYTIME SHE SMIRKS OR WINKS AT ME! AND YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE I THINK MOM! Huh? I THINK, Lexa is a great kisser!" My mothers mouth drops as she gasps.

"Clarke... you have... you are?" She says stepping closer to me. I keep my ground. I nod.

"I think I'm falling for her." At those words she hits me again. This time she hits me o hard I fall on the floor and start to cry. "GOD STILL LOVES ME!" I yell as she kicks me and walks away.

"Pack everything you need. You are never coming back here again." She says as I run upstairs. I can feel blood on my eyebrow as I pack. I grab some more clothes and my little bear that my dad gave me. At that I run out of the house. Run down the street and sit at a bus stop.

I call Lexa. She picks up after a couple rings. "Hey gorgeous what's up?" She says with a groggy raspy voice. "It's 3:30 in the morning? Are you okay." Her voice gets worried real quick.

I cry. And I cry. I tell her I'm at the bus stop at the end of my road and then I cry some more. And cry.

In the blink of an eye Lexa has me in her arms. "Shhh shhh it's okay. It's okay. Come on let's go home." She says picking me up bridal style and putting me in her Jeep.

"No Lexa not home! Not with my mother! Don't bring me home!" I beg.

"Oh Clarke I wasn't going to bring you to your mothers house. I was going to bring you to your really home. With me." She says tucking hair behind my ear showing my bruise and cut. Her eyes went wide. "D-did She... no... did she hurt you?" Her eyes fill with hate and anger. I just cry harder.

By the time we get home. I like calling it home. I have stopped crying. She carries my stuff upstairs and throws it on the bed. We head to her bathroom. She lifts me into the counter then gets out the first aid kit.

"Clarke. Why?" She says placing herself between my legs. I wrap my legs around her.

"I told her I... I kinda have a thing for you." I put my head down and she lifts it up. She smiles at me. "I told her I like your smile" I touch her lips. "Your eyes." I lightly tract the out line of her eyes. "I told her I think you are smart, talented, and super cute when I see you playing with your brother." I outline her jaw line. It has nothing to do with what I'm saying but I'm just having fun. "And I may or may not have told her I think you are the best kisser ever." She laughs.

"Mhm, I see. You were kinda asking for it cause I'm not the best kisser. I know someone better." She says finishing cleaning my cut.

My eyes get sad... "who?" She has kissed someone that's the best kisser ever. Of course she has. She is Lexa Woods.

"You." She whispers. I barely hear it. I lean in and lightly kiss her. Our lips part but come back together. We open and close our mouths slowly. Memorizing each other. I break away from the kiss and smile.

"I don't think so but what ever you say." She smiles at what I say and lifts me off the counter. "OH SHOOT!" I whisper scream.

When we get in Lexa's room and close the door she asks me what's wrong.

"I forgot your hoodie at my moms house!" I say putting my hand in my head.

"We can get it tomorrow." Lexa says shrugging.

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