Chapter 120

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"Lexa...." Clarke smiles while she wakes up her girlfriends. Clarke has her hand under Lexa's shirt, tracing her toned abdomen, "Wakey wakey..." Lexa slowly opens her eyes.

"You are far too excited about this," Lexa mutters while closing her eyes and turning her back to Clarke. Clarke just scoots closer.

"Babe... you gotta get up, guess what day it is..." Clarke smiles while she leaves a trail of kisses up Lexa's neck.

"It's the day I have been dreading for the past six months," Lexa says back and Clarke smiles at her.

Clarke pushes down her girlfriends' arm so she can look in her eyes, "Bye-bye wisdom teeth and hello laughing gas." Lexa groans at her girlfriend's smile.

"I am going to run away and never come back," Lexa says while turning away from Clarke again.

"No! Because you love me so~ much." Clarke kisses Lexa's cheek.

"I do... how did you ever manage to do that?" Lexa sighs and Clarke puts her chin on the brunette's shoulder with a smile, "Fine... I'll get up." Lexa huffs and pushes the sheets away.


"Babe!" Raven cheers when Luna comes back from the shower.

"Yes, my love," Luna asks while putting on her clothes, "Before you say it, Lexa and I have decided we are running away."

Raven gets out of bed and smacks Luna's head, "Like hell you are. You are mine and you aren't leaving me." Luna puts her hands up in surrender.

"Right... my bad." Luna smiles and leans down to kiss the shorter girl. Raven kisses her back with a little laugh, "Stop laughing! It is a surgery!"

"Yeah, but, you will be under laughing gas and I will be enjoying the show. Anya is going to record the whole thing." Raven says and Luna rolls her eyes while pushing Raven away.

"I have decided I don't like you." Luna throws her dirty clothes in their hamper.

"You are right, you love me!" Raven starts jumping up and down, "I am so excited." Raven says to herself mainly. Clarke walks into the room and starts jumping up and down with Raven.

"Have you ever thought about knocking, Clarke?" The blonde just ignore Luna, "I could have been naked." Luna says but Clarke doesn't pay attention. Raven and Clarke leave the room together, laugh.

Lexa walks in with a frown, "We are still running away, right?" Luna smiles while she puts on a hoodie.

"Raven said no." Lexa rolls her eyes and falls on her sister's bed, "Don't say anything too embarrassing."

"Yeah, I am not worried. It is you I am worried about." Lexa jokes while patting her stomach to a calming rhythm.

"I have nothing to be embarrassed about," Luna grins and both of the twins hear the dreaded call from their mother.

"Lexa! Luna! Let's go!" The twins groan and go down to the car.


(Okay so I haven't gotten my wisdom teeth out so idk how it works but we are going to use our imagination :) )

Lexa and Luna lay in chairs right next to each other while the dentists get ready for the surgery, "Alright ladies. We are going to put you under and when you wake you, you will have no wisdom teeth." Lexa and Luna nod.

Lexa blows Clarke a kiss and Luna does the same to Raven before the doctors put them under, "Okay, we are going to continue on if you could please wait outside?" One of the doctors says while pointing at the door.

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