Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It's after school (A/N: cause I'm too lazy to actually make a story for in school. ) and I meet with my new friends in the band room and they are getting ready to practice and cleaning their instruments and the percussionest were all bringing there drums and mallets out onto the field.

"Hey Clarke! Hoi O I need your help my trumpet is being stupid again! " Bellamy said and I see Lexa walking behind him with her tenor quads connected to her body. Wow she was strong.

"Earth to Clarke! We need to go outside come on." Raven said while dragging me by the arm outside.

I sit on the bleachers as I watch them all play. They are all really talented and Raven sure can dance. But my eyes kept going to Lexa. She was all sweaty and her muscles were all showing as she played.

I decided to get out my notebook and draw. I didn't realize what I was drawing until I was doing it. Perfect jaw, focused eyes, strong shoulders and arms, a tattoo on the drawings arm that can't be legal, and huge quads. Oh god. I was drawing Lexa.

I look up to see practice was over and my friends were coming over to me. I put the drawing in my backpack quickly.

Monty raises an eye brow. "What was that."

"Was what." I answered playing dumb.

"That thing you just put in your backpack a little too quickly."

"Nothing. Homework."

"Oh cool can I copy it?!" Jasper said fixing his mouth piece then looking up at me.

"N-no. You-you should do your own homework." I say hoping it would pass.

"Surrrrreeee!" Jasper winks.

Hey guys! I know I know. Even shorter chapter but next one will be better I swear!!
Love ya guys!

My Green Eyed DrummerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ