chapter 14

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We got to Michigan speedway. Bella don't talk to me unless it's about the race.

I watched as they helped her in the car. I missed Bella. But she has closed herself off from everyone.

This is really heard because its hard to be without her. "Cullen you go to sleep or something?" Bella took me out of my thoughts.

"I'm here. Just thinking." I told her. But in actually I felt uncomfortable of being her because of what happened.

"Don't be so nervous Cullen." She told me. "Not easy. It's hard to be here." I told her.

"I don't think I ready to hear about that." She told me. "Just race Swan." I told her. "Now that's something I can do." I shake my head.


As we we're racing I started to get a bad feeling. "Swan I got a bad feeling." Cullen told me.

I was confused by this. The next I knew I get bumped. "What the hell. I don't have enemies here." Then I seen the car number. "Shit!" I mumbled.

"Want to tell me what's going on Cullen." I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry Bella but he's here." Everything went silent.

All we could do is watch this play out. Then it happened. A wreck that caused fire and alot of smoke.

"Swan you got your ears on?" But there was nothing. I looked over to Charlie and he had this look of concern on his face.

"Cullen!" Then I heard her. "Swan you alright?" I asked. "Yeah except I'm stuck." Now I was confused.

"What do you mean your stuck?" I asked. I'm surrounded by cars on fire. I can't get out. I climbed out of the car but I'm surrounded." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

I ran over to the steps "ROSE SHES TRAPPED IN THE FIRE." I yelled out to her. "On it!" She took off running.

I hated the waiting. God let her be alright.


Every where I look there was fire around me. Then I smelled it. Fuel leaking. My eyes widen.

"Cullen I smell fuel leaking." I told him. "Alright!" Was all he said. I started coughing and went down to the ground.

Then I heard sizzling. I turned and looked but end up finding where the leak is on a another car.

I hurried and crawled on the other side of my car and climbed under it.

Then the explosion happen. I covered my head and started screaming. Then I seen a race at this track. I saved someone.

I couldn't stop screaming. Then I felt a hand on me. I looked up and it was dad in a fire fighters uniform.

I slowly climb out and he pulls me into his side. We out where they are spraying with water.

Dad takes his helmet once we got out and wrapped both arms around me and pulled me to him.

I turn my head and saw Edward standing there looking at me with concern on his face.

"Dad I saved someone at this track." I told him. "You saved Edward and a bunch of other people.

I couldn't help but look at Edward. I finally in the shower cleaning off all the smoke and fire.

I actually sunk down to the floor. I feel like I'm going to lose my mind. I can't do this. All I have is the bad memories.

I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around me. I walked to my room and to many things going through my head.

I walked out my door and walked into Edward room and he wasn't here.

I backed myself against the wall and slid down and buried my head and cried.

I know I been there for awhile because now its dark. Then I heard the door come open and seen the light come on.

"Bella." I looked up to Edward. "I'm lost within myself. Show me who I really am." Edward closed his eyes as he reached behind him and locked the door.

He slowly walks up to me and held out his hand. I took it into mine and he helped me up.

"The only way I know how to is show you how I feel about you. I looked at him a minute then the next I knew he pressed his lips to mine. Then I felt the towel drop to the floor.

I pulled away and look at him. "So beautiful!" Then I pressed my lips to his. He slowly back me up to the bed and gently laid me down.

Be stepped back and took off his clothes. Then before I knew it I came to a mind blowing orgasm as he did to.

I laid there holding him on top of me but he was half off of me before he fell asleep.

I ran my fingers through his hair and let what we did sink in. He really loves me as I love him.

Then I remembered our first date I guess it was. I smiled remembering it. "What is that big smile about?" He asked me.

"I think our first date." He lifted his head to look me in the eyes. He smiled his crooked smile. I smile even bigger.

His head dropped and he buried his face into my chest. I started laughing.

"Laugh it up baby. God I was nervous to around you back then." Now I was really laughing.

Then there was a knock on the door. Edward got up and put his pants on to answer the door.

"What is all the laughing about?" I pulled up the blanket to me and wrapped it around me and went to the door and slipped under Edward arm just smiling.

I felt Edward pull me back to him and wrapped his arm around me. My dads mouth dropped open. I couldn't help but laugh again Because he was the one who packed my bag and I had no change of clothes.

"Still going to kick your ass dad." Then a smile went across his face. "You remember your first date." He told me. I just smiled and nodded.

I do not own all of the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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