chapter 9

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I opened up the second letter and it was to me.


I know you were told you can't have children. But when EC remembers talk to him you might be surprise what you find out.

What you did that day to save his life was a good thing Bella don't forget that. He also saved everybody life to. Even Rose's before he hit the ground.

Now this road will be hard but when he remembers it will happen out of the blue. But always remember he does love you. So don't forget that no matter how hard it is.

Always see what's in front of you punch.

I love you.

Your brother always and forever

Bradley Charlie Swan

I looked up to see Edward talking to my dad having a beer with him. Then he looked over at me. He put a small smile on his face.

Then I turn and look at the kids with Rose. I still couldn't believe those kids were mine and Edwards.

Then I opened up the third letter.


So how does it feel to be a mom and engaged. Congrats by the way.

Well dad told you about my blood and now you know. You will always have a connection with me no matter what.

I need to tell you something very important about E.C. though. He will never remember his other family and it's not your fault. It is Taylor fault.

Somehow he damaged E.C. brain even more. So he will never ever recover that part of his memory. But on on good point I can tell you if he does lose his memory there is little something no one can ever take away from him and that's the love he has for you my dear sister.

It is so strong it can never be broken, never be forgotten or lost. He will always find his way back to you. So never give up.

Do me a favor. When you get married do it at the race track it is so you and E.C. Surprise him with a sundress. No wedding dress. Not you. No makeup. Do it before a race to. Do it soon to.

Little Rose will be home very soon. Trust in yourself sis always look in front of you and focus.

Love you Shorty,

Bradley Charlie Swan

I snapped my head up and look at Edward. So he will never remember his real family? Wait he has Bradley blood in him.

I closed my eyes and tried something. I focused on Bradley first and then Edward and then the twins.

As the visions came flooding into my head I felt someone grab ahold of me. "Let her go!" I snapped my eyes open as I heard Edward voice.

Then I could feel his breath on me. Then I remembered when he almost raped me twice. "NOOOOOO!" I screamed out as I started fighting him. "LET ME GO!" He let me go and I fell to the ground.

I looked behind me and he was gone. "Bella you alright?" I turned my head and looked at Edward. I shook my head no.


"I remember." She told me. "Remember what?" I asked as I kneeled down in front of her. "I remember him almost rapp.." She couldn't say no more as she wrapped her arms around me as tight as she could.

I wrapped my arms around her and held her close to me. Of all the things to remember is that.

Later that night I was sleeping when I felt something gently waking me up. I open my eyes to see Bella crying and scared out of her mind.

"Nightmare?" I asked. She nods her head yes and I lift the blankets up to let her climb in so I could hold her.

"How long you been having them?" I asked her. "Since I was in the coma." I bury my face into her hair and kiss the top of her head.

"I got you now your safe." Then I didn't hear anything. She fell asleep. I didn't have the heart to move her so I fell asleep myself.

I wake up to Bella looking up to me. "How long you been awake?" I asked her. "Maybe a half hour. You'll never remember your family again?" I shook my head no.

"It doesn't matter to me as long as I remember you and the kids. Your my family now." I explained to her. "You have my brother's blood in you." She didn't say it as a question but a point to be made.

"Alright how much do you remember and how much is the letters from your brother?" I asked her. She looked away from me.

"I remember bits and pieces. I did what you and my brother told me to do and I focused. That's what I was doing when I got grabbed from behind." She told me.

Then she looked back up to me. "I know I don't want to move from my spot." She told me. "Then don't. I love you in my arms baby." She snuggled as close as she can get to me and fell back asleep.

I heard a knock on the door and told them to come in. "There she is. Nightmare?" Charlie asked me. "Yeah! I guess she's been having them since she's been in a coma." Charlie sat on the bed as I sat up slowly not to wake Bella up.

She just snuggled more into my side. "Does she remember anything?" He asked me. "That's for her to tell you Charlie, not me." He nodded his head.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and story.

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