chapter 25

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      Bella pov

Edward finally pulled off unto the main road and I was confused to where he was going.

"Truck stop!" He told me. "Shower!" I said with a smile on my face. 

I heard Edward chuckled. Then he put his right hand on my thigh.

I bit my lip. "Umm!" I said. I had to grip his legs.

"Problem baby?" He asked me chuckling." He slid his up. He getting some guts there.

He going to drive me crazy. Then his hand moved between my legs and he started to move his hand.

Oh dear Lord! I leaned back and mine eyes went shut on there own.

My hips moved on there own and Edward had to grip my waist and make me stop moving.

"You can't do that!" He told me. "You started it." He put his hand back on the handle bar.

"What happened to my shy Edward?" He didn't answer. I tried to sit back up and he pushed me back.

I giggled. But I started to chew on the corner of my lip because I was to turned on right now and he just stopped and god damn it I wanted more.

I lift the other corner of my lip still chewing on the other corner thinking about what he just did.

I was taken out of my thoughts and I squeaked when he lifted me off the dirt bike.

I blinked my eyes as my helmet came off. Then he took my hand and we walked inside up to the counter and Edward position me to where I was behind him.

I went back to chewing on the corner of my lip and just smiled.

Then we walked over to a to some lockers and Edward pushed me against the side of one side of on set.

"Don't move." He told me. I held my hands up in surrender.

He opened up a locker and pulled out a bag and shut it and grabbed my hand and opened a door and pushed me in and he looked around before he shut it and locked it.

The next I knew I was picked up and against the wall his body and lips on me.

Dear Lord! He deepen the kiss and and I lifted my legs and wrapped it around his waist.

He pulled away and we were both breathless. I took my legs down and the next I knew we were taking each other's clothes off and trying to get to the shower but we didn't make it.

I think I came 3 times in that one setting and Edward had a look on his face like he was proud of himself.

"Oh you think you're just king now don't you?" I asked him. "No! But I'm just happy that I can drive you as crazy as much as you drive me now." He starts laughing.

Which makes me start laughing. "I think I like this side of you." I told him. "I think I can get you to love this side of me." He picks me up and he turns on the shower.

We wash up but not without having round two.

We get dress in black clothes and Edward takes my hand and we go back outside and get back on the dirt bike.

I tap his leg when I see a dirt bike pulling up to the gas pumps but he can't see us.

Edward pulls me back against him. "Shit!" He says. "He can't see us." I told him.

"Your other gift!" He told me. "Yeah!" I told him. "You never told me about it!" He told me.

"Later! Not here. Just wait until after he leaves and don't start the bike." I told him.

We were hidden behind a semi truck. It was perfect.

"How can he not see us and he just looked over here?" Edward asked me.

"We're kinda hidden. Like a blind spot. He can't see far away." I told him.

"How you know that?" He asked me. "My gift and I watched him. He always has to squinted to see far distances." I told him.

Tyler takes off his helmet. I watch as he goes inside.

"Now!" I told Edward. He started the bike and took off the other direction.

I started laughing. "I can sense what the person is going to do. I also can get images of things of the past and present like pieces of puzzle to put together. I can't see the future like my brother could or can." I explained.

"You also have dreams." He told me. I turned and looked up at him. He just smiled my new favorite smile and I had to adjust myself.

"Damn you Cullen." He started laughing. "I had the upper hand this time." I raised my eyebrow.

"Smart ass." I told him. It starts to get dark outside and I get that feeling that we're being followed and I reached up and turned off the lights and turned myself around facing Edward.

"Is he following us?" Edward asked me. "Not him. Someone else about 4 miles back around a corner. Make the turn on the two track now." Edward made the turn.

"Punch it!" I told him as I snaked my arms around him and pressed my body against him to hang on and brace myself.

I closed my eyes and just focus on the bike first and then I focused on Edward and his love for me and then my brother.

"Whow!" I said and almost let go but tightened my arms back up again.

Edward must of did it at the same time I did and not having another vehicle or bike to focus on made it 10 times amazing.

I moved with Edward. My legs were wrapped around him.

This was such a big turn on right now. I started to chew on my bottom so I could stay in focus.

"Turn!" I said. He made the turn with perfect ease.

I gasped and opened my eyes. I seen a light way back.

"Fuck! Find a hiding spot now!" I told him. I still was chewing on my bottom lip staying in focus.

I closed my eyes again but that was a big mistake because I ended up moving my hips.

"BABY!" I snapped my eyes open. "Oops!" I said. But I wasn't sorry.

I closed my eyes and I started chewing on lip to try and focus again.

I focused on the bike again and this time my brother first then Edward and then his love and then I tried to focus on the things around me but I ended up moving my hips at the same time as I try to brace myself to straighten.

But I managed to also move to move to my legs to stand and I brace my hands on Edwards shoulders.

I pushed myself back I picked up my feet and carefully stood up.

I slowly made my way behind Edward and turned myself and sat down and I reached  down and behind me  around the edgefelt and smiled.

I lifted and reached in and grabbed the gun and took it out. I closed the little compartment and put the gun inside my jacket.

I stood up again and got in front of Edward again.

Then I slid down this time unpurpose. I heard Edward groan. I looked at him and give him a shitty ass grin and pulled out the gun.

"Where the hell you get that?" He asked me. "There's a little compartment on the back of the bike. Dad put it in there." I told him.

I put it back and I go back and focus again.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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