chapter 11

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I finally see Edward come up behind me. "Bella what are you doing?" Edward asked me.
"Trying to find myself." Was all I said.

I knew I was just in my night gown and bare feet but I didn't care. "Did Taylor kill Jacob?" I asked him.

"Yes!" Tears ran down my face. "Was I in a river twice?" I asked him. "Yes! What is this all about Bella?" He asked me.

"Just shut up and answer my questions." I told him. "Did Taylor kill my brother?" I waited for an answer.

"Yes!" Edward said. "Do you know why he's doing this to me?" I heard Edward take a deep breath.

"No! Trust me when I say I wish I knew." How do I trust him? "I don't know if I can trust anyone. All I know is hurt." I told him.

"What do you feel with your heart Bella?" I took a deep breath. "That its closed off. Only difference is I feel strong love for you and it scares me." I explained to him.

"Your feeling all the emotions that you did when we first got together." He told me.

"Tell me!" Was all I said. "Well it all happen when I collided with your car and your car flipped over on the roof sliding past the finish line. You won the race off course." I tried to remember but I couldn't.

"Okay! How did we get together?" I asked him. "Bella quit with all the questions. Please can you just trust me?" He asked.

"Then follow me." I did what he told me to do. He pulls off and stops and walks over to the car and opens my door.

"Lock up the car and come with me." He reachs out his hand and I slowly take it and locked up the car.

Edward picks me up and sets me on the bike in front of him. My eyes widen because this seem familiar.

Edward took off again. I was enjoying the wind going through my hair. I balance myself to stand up and put my arms up.

I closed my eyes just to feel the wind. I slowly sat back down and for some reason I turned the light off on the bike.

I closed my eyes again and try to feel what I use to feel. Plus to see if I can trust him.

I look behind us and see a light. I tapped on Edwards arm and pointed behind us.

He turned his head to look and turned around. "HANG ON BELLA!" I heard him say. I get up and slowly turn myself around facing Edward so I could get a better grip on him and buried my head into his chest.

I could feel us going faster. I take a peek around Edward and see the light getting closer. I tighten my grip on Edward and he looks behind him again.

Then I feel us turn off and he stops and turns off the bike. He wraps his arms around me and held me to him.

I heard the other bike and I turn my head to look. I noticed we we're off the road and in the woods.

We watched as the bike rode by us. I looked back up at Edward. "You think it's him?" I asked. "I know it's him. That's why I had you get on the bike." He explained to me.

I look down and think. If he's willing to protect me like this then maybe he's the key for me to remembering.

"Rescue me from this darkness. Show me how it feels to feel your love for me." He takes off his helmet and looks down at me.

Then he took his hands and gently cupped each side of my face. Then pressed his lips to mine. Then we heard the bike again. We both turn and looked and watched it go back by.

"We're not safe here." He told me. He puts back on his helmet and starts the bike back up. He didn't turn on the light.

I smiled because he's using his gift. Where did that come from? He is the key into me remembering.

I snuggled into him until he stops. I turn and look to see the car. But I noticed Edward was looking at something else.

I turned and looked to see the other bike. Edward nudges me and he points to the car.

I got off and ran for the car. Just as I got the door open I seen Edward take off towards the other biker.

I stood there and watched as the other biker took off after Edward. I hurried and jumped into the car and took off.

But there was no Edward. I stood there just watching. Then I could hear the bikes. I decided to hurry and run for the garage and lock myself in.

I backed away from the door until I backed into a car. I jumped and turned around and ran for the car praying the other biker didn't see me.

I must of fell asleep because I was being gently woke up. I open my eyes to see Edward kneeling down in front of me.

He cups the side of my face and I close my eyes and lean into his touch. I was scared out of my mind. But then the touch felt different.

I quickly open my eyes. It wasn't Edward at all but Taylor. I slapped his hand away. He puts his hand on my leg and starts moving up. I pushed his hand off of me.

This is got to be a nightmare. I just need to wake up. But it wasn't. I try to scoot myself away. Then I got up and ran for the door. Then it was slammed shut in front of me.

I turned around and punched him. I got the door open and ran out. Then I ran into something. I look up to see Edward there.

I look behind me and Taylor just walked out. I grabbed Edwards arm and started pulling on him to come with me.

He did and we ran for the motorhome and I ran for Edwards room with him behind me.

Edward shut and locked his door. He turned around and looked at me. I finally just run up to him and jumped up and wrapped my legs around him and my arms around his neck as he caught me.

He walked over to the bed and sat down with me in his lap. "I got you baby." Was all it took and the tears fell.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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