chapter 12

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It was the day of the time trials. I was doing good. So was Edward. We never got to talk and I really don't talk to anyone.

I even started staying away from Edward. He just watches me from a distance. As long as he does. I'm not ready to talk.

After the time trials I start 4th and Edward starts 12th. Emmett starts 10th.

It's the next day. The day of the race. I get my coffee handed to me and turned and look and it was Edward.

I didn't say a word to him and took the cup out of his hand and went and sat down.

"How long you going to give the silent treatment Bella?" He asked me leaning back against the counter.

I just kept sipping my coffee giving him the evil eyes. "This is bull shit Bella. You can't close yourself completely off from everyone." He told me.

I just kept looking at him sipping my coffee. He finally walks out. Then I hear him outside talking to dad.

"She is so god damn stubborn!" I heard him saying. "Edward this is her after that accident. It's all she knows." I got up and grabbed my phone and looked up my moms number and hit dial.

All it said is it was disconnected. I'd tried Phils number and its the same. I sat there and stared at my phone confused.

"What is it sis?" Rose asked me. I showed her my phone. "There disconnected. Did they get a new number or something?" I asked.


I saw Rose walk into the motorhome. I don't understand this. Why has she distanced herself.

"IT'S NOT TRUE!" Charlie and I look at each other. "YOUR LYING THERE NOT DEAD TOO!" Charlie and I ran into the motorhome as Bella walked by us out the door.

"What was that about?" Charlie asked. "She tried to call Renee and Phil. I told her the truth." I through my arms up into the air.

Now I knew what she was talking about that all she knew is pain and it's happening again to her.

We walked out to the cars and Bella was leaning against her car. I stopped and looked at her moment before walking to my car and getting in.


I couldn't believe my mom and Phil was dead. I thought as I sat and waited for the race to start.

I started my car and we were going down the track. The pace car went off the track and I went into race mode.

We were at lap 29 and I noticed Taylor in front of me. "What is he up to?" I asked out loud.

"Swan you got your ears on?" Edward asked. "Yeah Cullen." I told him. "You need to get away from Taylor now." Just as he said that Taylor bumped a car in front of him and it started to come at me.

I hurried and upshifted and pressed down the gas and slid down the track missing the car by only inches.

"Nice one Swan." I ignored Edward. Then I started to see images of pictures being showed to me of mom and Phil.

"You asshole!" I said before I caught myself. "How many people you going to kill?" I said through my teeth.
"Swan did you remember something?" Rose asked me.

"Yeah sis!" Was all I said. "Good or bad?" She asked me. "Bad!" I said. "Shit!" I heard Cullen say.

"Keep your mouth shut Cullen." I told him. I needed silence on the coms so I could focus.


All she's remembering is bad. I don't know what to do. I'm at a loss here.

"Hey Cullen watch in front of you. Taylor up to something." Emmett says. "Hey can someone give me eyes on Swan?" I asked.

"Yeah, Taylor tight on her ass Cullen." I slam my fist down. "I'm going to get up to her." I told them.

"No Cullen stay back. His ass end is loose." God she so stubborn. "I got an Idea. Hale put dad on." Bella said.

"What is it Bells?" He asked. "Remember Bradley move?" She asked. "Yeah if you think you can do it go for it. Remember it's tricky to do Bells." I get confused.

"Got it dad." She said. The next we heard is a car raving up. What is she up to? Then we see a car on it's side driving along the side by the fence.

"For the love of god please tell me that's not Swan?" I asked. "You bet your sweet ass it is." Hale said.

"Hale shut the fuck up." Bella told her. I smirked when she said it. Then the car went down.

"Take that you fucker." I shake my head. "Taylor backed off." Hale said. "Alright that's good." I said.

"Shut up Cullen." I started laughing. "Cullen you better stop laughing." My eyes widen.

"Hale did I just piss her off?" I asked. "I was already piss. Don't add to it." Bella said.

Oh, oh. Taylor piss her off. "He back on my ass again." Bella said. "Thats it I'm coming up there Swan. Cullen you coming with me?" I asked Emmett.

"Right behind you!"


Them idiots. "I told you to stay back Cullen. I don't need you up here. I know how to race." I told him.

"Well you don't know him like I do Swan. So shut the hell up." I growled on the coms. "Oh stop Swan!" Cullen told me.

"Cullen your asking for ass kicking." I told him. "Bring it Swan." What the hell. "Oh I'll bring it alright Cullen." I snapped.

I don't know what he's pulling but I'm beyond pisst now.

The race ended and I came in 4th as Edward and Emmett came in 5th and 6th.

I climb out of my car and walk over to Edward. He turned around and I went to throw a punch at him and he caught my hand.


"And you better think before you throw punches at me Swan." I pulled my hand away.
I reach for the rings on my finger and took them off and placed them in his hands.

"I don't know who you are Cullen. I'm not wearing those any more. Not unless I remember. But the way things are going... Nevermind." I turned to walk away but Edward stopped me.

"I'm not giving up on you." He told me. I just walked away.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and story.

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