chapter 28

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      Bella pov

Edward came running from around the trailer and had to grab the trailer and grab his chest.

His face said it all but I also could feel him too and I started laughing.

Then I took my hands and made a motion down myself to make a point and question what do you think and spun in a circle for him too.

Then I took my hands and made a motion down myself to make a point and question what do you think and spun in a circle for him too

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He walked up to me and took my hand into both of his and got down on one knee and locked eyes with mine.

He had tears falling from his eyes. "My God your gorgeous." I smiled that new smile for him again.

"Who got you that dress?" He asked me. "Rose did! Bradley wrote her an extra letter let's say before we got married and had this planned to help you out and this is just for us." I explained to him.

I got down on my knees and took my other hand and joined it with his.

"You my dear husband there is nothing to forgive with you and you can fuck up some times and piss me off at times but you also make up for it to and don't open that mouth of yours and let me finish first." He chuckled.

"So what you fucked up and said those words, but Edward right here and now before I put this ring on your finger you can take back those words and tell me what you're heart feels but first let me tell you what mine feels for you first. My vows for you we didn't get to say in the first place because we had to race that day." I explained to him and I placed my hand over my heart.

"Yes you crashed into me literally and flipped my car over and I still won the race but you also started breaking down my walls that night too and I didn't even know it." I started to explain to him.

"But when you shook my hand when you broke down that's when I knew something was happening and I had to take a step first. It wasn't what I thought would end up to this but I knew some how you make my dream come true and you did and I can't thank you enough for that and how much that means to me." I had to wipe a tear from my eyes because I finally thank him for it.

"Then I have to thank you for bringing me out of the darkness and being my hero. Even though you think you can't be but are." I started to explain.

"You stand up for me and even protect me. Even though you know very well you can't get hit and can lose your memory and you still do it anyways and you even thought I didn't want you because of it in a way you fool." More tears fell.

"I had my own fears and you took and made me feel beautiful even with my scars." I took my hand and covered the worse one over my breast.

"You love me for not what's on the outside but inside too. You don't care that I'm short and I love speed either." I giggled on that one.

"I love you for everything you do for me and I would never give up on you either because what you do for me. That's why I made the connection and bonded with you like I did and made it like a permanent thing even with my brother because I can't lose you and if something happens and I get taken again you guys can find me now. You can feel me and I can feel you. What better way to have a bond and connection of your soul mate and true love. We were meant to find each other and be together. I love you with all my heart and soul Edward." Edward tipped his head down because he was really crying now and I felt my brother even crying to.

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