chapter 20

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       Bella pov

I watched as Edward drove up beside and I smiled.

"Well hi there! Want to race now?" I asked him.

"Oh a woman after my own heart." He puts his over his heart. I giggled. I nudge my head to the front of the car.

"Oh you mean you really want to race now?" I had to laugh. "Am I missing something here?" I heard my dad ask.

"Yeah, dad. She remembers everything." Edward told him. "We'll shit!" My dad chuckled. Dad must of grabbed another mic.

"Hey you want to surprise you know who I'm alive now?" I asked. "Lead the way baby." He told me.

I closed my eyes and focused on Edward and Bradley and there car and then mine and put my hand on the shifter and put my foot on the gas.

I snapped my eyes open and floated through the gears and now I was behind Tyler and I looked in the rearview mirror and seen Emmett and Jasper behind me.

I turn my head and looked at Edward and he nodded his head and we both look ahead and I go to the bottom of the track.

I seen Edward go on the other side. Tyler turn and looks at me and I wave to him and pointed to Edward and he turned and looked at him.

Then turned and looked back at me and I pointed behind me and I seen him look into the rear view mirror.

I seen him upshift. "Shit!" I heard Edward say. "Everyone back off now." Edward told us and I did what he told me.

"Pit comes open we need to pit. Dad switch over to Rose now." Edward told him.

"Yeah what is it?" Rose asked him. "Remember what I told you to look for on the car when I told you to. Well when we Pit you need to look." He told her.

"On it!" She told him. "You know he's up to up to something." I told him. "I knew the minute he gave me the look on his face. Let's just say it's time to let Bradley have some fun with me." My eyes went wide.

"Ohhh ohhh!" Was all I said and I had a smile on face. "Double whammy, time!" I thought to myself or so I thought.

"Damn right it is punch!" I started to laugh. "Oh shit!" Was all I said and I was trying not to laugh so hard and finally pitted.

"Your car is clear sis! You can go." I smiled and went to drive on to the track and just missed Tyler.

"Holy shit, that was close." I said out loud. "Edward you were right and it was nothing to take it off. Your safe to go now." Rose told him.

"Mind clueing me in here." I told them. "Edward had this idea Tyler put something just behind the back tires. He was right. Except this time there was something on the gas tank. That's how you guys knew to turn off the engine and fuel line." Rose explained to us.

"But why not my car?" I asked. "He thought you were dead Remember?" Edward asked me. I remembered and smiled.

"Oh yeah!" I said. "That's when you started to remember isn't it?" Edward asked me. "Uh huh!" I said.

"So I knew I had to act ahead of him this time. So if thinks he can get away with it again he in for a very big surprise." Edward told us.

I started to laugh this time. "Hey, I can be apart of this right?" I asked.

"Oh, you know it punch. You see the switch just under your dash?" Edward asked me.

I looked and I seen four of them. "Umm, actually there are 4 of them and what are they for?" I asked.

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