chapter 29

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     Edward pov

"Look at them Rose there like magnets moving now. What you Bells?" Charlie asked Bella.

"Yeah sis, you used your connection gift with your husband and Bradley didn't you?" I snapped my head to Bella.

"Yeah I did! But in my defence I did for a reason and it's so if something happens they can find me!" Oh she's so giving them the innocent look.

"You're far from innocent punch. So far!" I told her and dad and Rose started laughing.

"Hear that dad he's got her pegged dead on too. Vroom, vroom! Bradley at it again dad show them!" The phone paned over to Bradley and he was laying on his back and his hands were acting like they were on a steering wheel and he was going vroom vroom.

Bella and I started laughing. "That's our baby!" I told her. "I know. Please tell me you guys are recording this shit with the twins?" Rose lifts up a camera.

"What do you think! This is so our brother Bradley and little does you sis with the shifter it's so funny sorry Edward Bradley here with the green is just like my brother Bradley with the mix of you little Rose is you and Bella but get a load of this you two her eyes are no longer brown." The phone moved over to little Rose.

"She's got your eyes Edward. My God I gave birth to my husband own twins of him." Bella even points at me.

She pushed me. "Those kids are more yours then mine." She fell sideways against me and started laughing.

"Sis there's whiskey in the cabinet in the cabin." Bella got up in a hurry and ran into the cabin.

I had to laugh. She came back with two beers and a fifth of Jack Daniels and handed me the beer.

"Give me some of that whiskey." I told her and she hugged it to her.

"See what you did Rose!" I pointed to my wife. Then I seen the whiskey bottle in front of me and I took a drink.

"Shit! Now I know why I don't drink that shit often fuck!" I even made a face too.

"Here you can have the shit back and I'm sticking to my beer damn woman you know how to handle your drinking. Fuck!" I looked my wife over up and down.

"Yep, I'm a fucking lucky man." I whipped my head around to look at the phone.

"What?" I asked Rose and Charlie. "You, you fit in with us just fine." Charlie says.

"Oh which reminds me punch. You said something to me about my two last names and me ever wondering about that?" I asked her.

Bella turned and looked at me. "Wait a minute Edward you call Bella punch only one person calls her Punch and you done that even before the blood transfusion fully connected with you off an on and Bella never even stopped you or kicked your ass even when you called her shorty a couple of times." Rose said and I just blinked when Rose said that.

"Umm, ever since I saw the videos the first time or even before that I guess Even before we even started dating it just slipped out a couple times coaching her because it always seem like it fit her. I don't know how to explain it really it just came naturally with her between us and after a while it just stuck!" I started to explain.

    Bella pov

I just watched and listened to Edward explained this because I wanted to know myself too.

"When I took you to the race track with me that first time and you said you didn't realize how short I was and when I walked into the room to change you called me shorty I froze after I closed the door because the way you said it was exactly the way Bradley would say it and it was the first time someone caught me off guard and I never told anyone and you kept slipping shorty every so often over the mic when I was driving. I didn't know whether to drive back to the pits and kick your ass or what for saying shorty." I told him.

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