chapter 24

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      Bella pov

I felt someone slam into the left side of me.

"FUCK! HE'S QUICK!" I said. I pressed on the break with both of my feet as he went to slam into me again.

I laughed. I punched it again and flew by him. "Wasn't expecting that one were you?" I looked in my rearview mirror still laughing.

"Is he toying with you again baby?" Edward asked. "Na! I just fucked with his head. Hey where you go anyways. You are hiding on me." I said.

"No! I'm just watching your sexy ass back here not ragging on my car." He told me.

"Bells he's.." I stopped my dad. "I see him." I told him.

I sped up again and whipped the wheel again and faced him.

"Let's play some chicken again?" This time Tyler was prepared but I was better.

"Are you racing backwards?" Edward asked laughing. "No, I'm playing chicken again." I laughed.

"Expect your going backwards baby." He told me. "But keep your eye on the prize handsome." I told him.

"Oh no, that's my prize baby." He told me. "You're hiding and not racing so I'm going for the prize." I whipped the car around again.

"You just made him go into the grass." Edward said still laughing. I shrugged my shoulders.

I started singing again and closed my eyes again.

"There you go again and here I come gorgeous." He was focusing with me at the same time and it was just amazing.

"10 laps to go you two." I saw Edward pull up beside me.

I started to chew on the corner of my lip, still singing and feeling his car and mine and his love for me.

"LOOK AT THEM GO DAD!" Rose said. "I know and they're in the perfect sink with each other." My dad said.

I could feel us whip around cars at the same time and moving at the same time and shifting at the same time.

"5 laps to go!" Then I heard the danger zone song come through my coms. Then I started singing it.

Edward and I was perfect race mode and I was singing and chewing on the corner of my lip like I use to do with my brother except I felt Edwards and his love for me and my brother's spirit at the same time with both cars on the track.

It was like we were shifting with the music hitting and floating through the gears like they were nothing.

Then the checker flag came down. But we were so focused and still driving that we didn't stop.

"Umm, you two going to stop racing and go get that flag or what?" My dad laughed.

I turned and looked at Edward as he turned and looked at me.

We both whipped the wheel and did donuts at the same time and then straighten out and then drove where just before the checker flag was I climbed out on the passenger side of the car and braced myself against the on top of door with my feet where the window would be.

I bent my knees and did a backwards flip and landed perfect and turned around and dove through Edwards window and he drove to the checker flag and I reached out and grabbed it and Edward did some donuts and took off down the track and I was laughing.

He pulled into the winners circle and got out and I squealed when he pulled me out.

He took off his helmet and then mine. Then he pulled me close to him and crashed his lips to mine.

Ohh! I love this side of my husband. I said as I snake my arms around his neck.

Then I felt wet. We pulled apart and they were spraying champagne all over us.

I leaned my head against Edward chest and started laughing.

Edward buried his face into my neck and was laughing himself.

Then I saw a nationwide official walking up to us. I started tapping Edward chest.

"What?" He asked me. I pointed and he turned his head and looked. "What would he want?" Edward asked.

Edward stood up and pulled me close to his side, but kept his arm around my waist.

"I like to congratulate both of you personally and invite you back to Nationwide on special oh let's say you're only partly blind in the right eye is that right Mr. Cullen?" I looked up at Edward.

"That's right." Edward looked confused. "How would you like to race with your wife and." He leaned up and wiggled for Edward to come closer and whisperer in his ear.

Edwards eyes widen. Then he stood back up. "I would be honored to race with next to my wife sir. Thank you!" Edward shook his hand and leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"He's doing it to protect from Tyler and try to get us help to have the proof we need and I get to race again baby, I really get to race again." He picked me up and thrilled me. I started laughing because I could feel his excitement.

He started bringing me down and he pressed his lips to mine and he deepen the kiss just before my feet hit the ground and I was in heaven and I was being drove crazy.

I started climbing him like a monkey and wrapped my legs around his waist and I pushed myself up and deepen the kiss even more.

"Alright you 2 break it up." My dad said laughing and I buried my face into Edward shoulder laughing.

"I love you baby." Edward whispered in my ear. "I love you too. When can we leave for nationwide?" Edward started laughing.

"As soon as everything checked and we pack and I have a security fence set up to be put up around the property." He told me.

I smiled into his neck. "Shower, I'm sticky!" I told him.

"Dad, is the house clear?" Edward asked dad. "Yes! Take your dirt bike it's the only clear and take the two track." My dad whispered to us.

I felt Edward carry me and then set me down and I noticed we were in the trailer.

Edward puts my helmet on and then puts my on. Then he climbs on his dirt bike and slide back.

I smiled and climb on the front. Edward kicked starts and takes off.

You can not wipe this big ass smile off my face right now.

"Hey watch you guys might have company. He took off on a dirt bike out of here the same way you did. Switch directions now and go to safe house." I turned and looked up at Edward when I heard my dad say that.

"Switch now!" I did what he told me and switched the channel and it was are personal channel that nobody knew.

"Your dad set up between me and him. No one else knows. The radio was already set on a channel by your dad before we left so no one knows. It was just the 3 of us on the line. The twins are already safe so don't worry." He told me.

"We have to make a pit stop and change first and not so damn sticky." He told me and I started laughing.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

race to protect my family Book FourΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα