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       Bella pov

I could smell food cooking and I also smelled coffee.

I smiled my new smile and I started to stretch out and I haven't even opened my eyes yet.

I got up and seen Edward t-shirt on the floor and I smirked when I seen it and I hurried and snatched it up and went into the bathroom.

I took a nice hot shower first and then dried off and only just put Edward t-shirt on and walked out into the kitchen.

I went to pour me a cup of coffee and I seen a hand block the coffee maker and I slowly turned my head and I landed on Edward.

I squinted my eyes at him and gave him that look I will kick your ass fucker.

Edward puts a shitty ass grin on his face. My mouth drops open and my fists go to my side and I was stumping my feet.

I forgot he could feel me among other things and the fucker played me.

I started punching the air and now he was laughing and I ran to him and started hitting his chest.

"So not fair! That right there was oh my God I can't believe you did that." My forehead fell against his chest with a thump.

Edward wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

"All I was going to do is remember our deal about let's switch it up but it got out of hand." I started laughing hitting my j against his chest.

"Actually I forgot about that. Or I don't remember." I froze up! Ooooo! I don't remember some things. Holy shit!" My head fell against Edward and I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Hey, let me tell you from experience, it could either come back or it won't. But guess what you got me by your side that understands completely what you're going through." I leaned my head back to look up at him.

"Where have you been all my life and how do you always know what to say or even when you're in a deep sleep you just know when I need you the most because you find my hand and just gave it that squeeze when I needed the most. It happened the first time you completed lost your it happened a few times to and after that you always still did it. I don't know how you did it but you did!" I had tears falling now.

His hand slid down my neck. "I always seem to find my way back to and I always need that touch to know your there with me because I love you even if I was in that deep sleep I was a magnet to you. Even now I have to have the touch just to know your close to me and safe with me." He takes my hand into his and puts it between us.

"Even if I'm in That deep sleep, I have to search and feel because I know this touch by heart and if I can feel it in my hand I know you are safe and you're still by my side baby!" I got on my tip toes and pressed my lips to his and deepened the kiss as he did and pulled me closer to him.

We pulled away breathless and I leaned against the counter.

"Ssooo can I have my coffee now?" I even crossed my legs in front of me and my arms and gave him a smart ass look.

Edward had to make a quick adjustment. I giggled. He just realized I'm in nothing but is t shirt.

"Ahhh, yes you can have your coffee now!" He had his head down and walked out of the kitchen and I laughed.

I made my coffee and I went and turned on the radio and good girls came on by Elle king and I started moving to the music and singing to it as I was getting my breakfast.

I was in a good mood. So I was going to enjoy myself and I didn't care my husband was here either.

I sank down into my chair on the last part and then I heard a thud and I turned and Edward was on the ground and I started laughing.

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