chapter 23

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       Bella pov

I drove up beside Edward. "Well hello there beautiful!" He told me. I turned my head and looked at him.

"Fuck me!" He says. "Now, now son we're here to race." My dad said laughing.

"Oh man, I give you racing." I heard my dad really laughing now because it would of been a Bradley saying and I started laughing then.

He turned and looked at me. "Woman you're not helping!" He told me. I started singing again.

"For the love of God!" He said. "You are so in trouble." He told me.

"That's if you can catch me handsome." I started singing and chewing on the corner of my lip again and sped up again.

"Oh, you want to play do you?" I never answered him. All of sudden I looked on either side of me and Tyler was on one side and someone was on the other and then someone just pulled in front of me.

"Hmm!" I downshift and let off the gas. "What is she doing?" My dad asked. "Bells two cars are coming up on your ass too." I just kept singing and I shifted then I made a quick motion with with the steering wheel.

     Edward pov

I started laughing when I felt what Bella was going to do.

"I don't think you got to worry much about it." I said and then I seen the car up on its side.

I shake my head. I waited until I seen her car go back down before I said anything.

"Damn baby didn't have think much about that move did you?" I asked her.

"So you still racing or you just out for a Sunday drive back there?" She asked me.

"Are you kidding me right now? I'm stuck back here at the moment. But don't you worry because I will catch your gorgeous ass here soon." That's when I decided to let her brother join in again and have fun again.

I closed my eyes and felt him join then I focused on his car and I focused on Bella and her love for me and then my car then I opened my eyes and I started whipping around cars catching up to her.

"Hey it's about time you focus." She told me. "You felt that did you?" I asked her.

"Oh yeah, more ways than you can imagine and I been focus for a while baby." She started singing.

"Holy fuck!" I had to adjust in my seat. "Do you have a problem?" She asked me and started singing again and there she goes chewing on the corner of her damn lip.

"Damn woman!" I heard her giggle then I drove up next to her and smiled at her and she swerved the car.

"Got a problem?" I laughed. She started singing again as she turned her head again.

"Alright you 2 stop with the damn fore play and race damn it!" Charlie said.

"Yes dad!" We said at the same time laughing and she started singing again.

"HEY!" I said. "Oh stop she's focusing!" I started mumbling and Charlie and Rose started laughing at me.

"You know this is torture." I said. They laughed even harder. "I'm so glad you think this is so funny." I told them.

Then I heard Bradley laughing. "Shut up! You're no help either." I started laughing myself.

"Who does he keep talking too?" Emmett asked.

"Fuck that asshole behind me now." Emmett said.

     Bella pov

I looked at Edward and he looked at me at the same time and nodded at the same time.


"Whitlock shut your pie hole and let them drive and do there job." Rose said.

"Cullen 2 try and stay in the bottom lane and make sure he doesn't get next to you wait for them to get to you and then get in the middle lane and let them slip beside you." Rose told him.

"Got you!" I could see Emmett as I was driving backwards.

"NOW!" Edward and I said at the same time and Emmett drove into the middle and we slid on each side of him.

I looked in the rearview mirror and Tyler was hitting his steering wheel.

"Ha! Take that you fucker!" I said. Then he whipped around me in the grass and was speeding ahead and got back onto the track.

"Jasper!" I said. I started going again and I guess Edward was moving with me.

"Whitlock pit now!" Rose said. I watched as Jasper pit.

I raised an eyebrow. "Hale?" I asked. "I seen something hanging from his car. I pulled him. Cullen 2 pit now!" Holy shit.

I turned and looked at Edward. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked him.

"No back up cars Hales. Keep them out. Have them check everything even our house. I'm telling you everything fucking thing. I don't give a fuck. This gets done behind his back. This sneaky bastard thinks he can take out my wife family he's got another fucking thing coming. No phones. Change channels now." I hurried to the new channel.

"Do you really think he has the phones bugged?" Dad asked.

"Dad think about it? Your a cop. He's a stalker. He is trying to take anyone that is a threat and in the way of Bella to get to her and if he can't have her he will.. I can't say it and he all tried more than once." Edward explained.

I blinked. "So I can never go out by myself again?" I said. "Not without both of us your not?" I turned my head and looked at Edward.

At that minute I seen both my brother and Edward sitting in that car. I swallowed hard.

"Okay!" I said. "So we.." I just got bumped." I looked ahead and upshifted.

"Oh no he did not. Bottom lane now." I moved into the bottom lane and sped back then slid behind Tyler.

Then I made a sling slot move around him and between Edward and tipped the car sideways.

"This is going to hurt!" Edward said. "Move!" I told him. I seen Edward drive up ahead and I punched it and as soon as the car hit the car hit the ground I whipped the wheel around and I was facing Tyler now and I put the car in gear and drove forward.

I never seen Tyler face and eyes so big in my life.

"Want to play chicken asshole?" He started driving backwards up until he hit the wall I whipped the car back around and took off again.

"I won!" I started laughing. That felt so good. "You scared the fuck out of him and now he's pissed and in his back up car." My dad said.

I caught up to Edward. "You have fun?" He asked me. "Loads!" I told him and started singing gimme some lovin again.

I was having a blast. I realized I haven't felt like this in forever and it felt amazing.

I let out a whoop. "THIS FEELS AMAZING!" I yelled. I heard Edward laughing and Rose and Dad.

I started singing again.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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