chapter 33

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      Bella pov

Edward set me down and gave me a quick kiss. "Go watch your stuff! You're driving me nuts woman!" I started laughing and walked away and added more wood to the fire as I kneeled down and started moving the wood around with the poker.

The knives were just starting to turn red at the tips and the memories started in my head which told me it was time.

It started when dad told Edward was on my ass for the very time and he flipped my car and I watched it playing out in my head and I started to sing.
I could feel Edward watching me and I could feel him too.
I also had to repeat singing through the whole process until we complete the whole process and seal it with a kiss and then we become one as the song continues to play.

Born on the wrong side of the ocean
With all the tides against you
You never thought you'd be much good for anyone
But that's so far from the truth
I know there's pain in your heart
And you're covered in scars
Wish you could see what I do
'Cause baby, everything you are
Is everything I need
You're everything to me
Baby, every single part
Is who you're meant to be
'Cause you were meant for me
And you're everything I need
You can say I'm wrong
You can turn your back against me
But I am here to stay
(I am here to stay)
Like the sea
She keeps kissing the shoreline
No matter how many times he pushes her away
'Cause baby, everything you are
Is everything I need
You're everything to me
Baby, every single part
Is who you're meant to be
'Cause you were meant for me
And everything happens for a reason
It's all a blessing in disguise
I used to question who I was
Well now I see
The answer is in your eyes
'Cause baby, everything you are
Is everything I need
You're everything to me
Baby, every single part
Is who you're meant to be
'Cause you were meant for me
And you're everything I need

As I started the song over and put more feeling into it and got the white towel ready I carefully took out Edward's knife first and raised it up above my head and closed my eyes and just sang the whole song first before I carefully laid it on the towel and did the same with my knife that I was using.

I started singing again and added more passion and emotion and love to it as I got up and took the tray and made it to the table and set the tray down and turned each glass upright and poured each glass half way up and set them on each side of the tray and I kept stepping backwards on to I was at my mark and tipped my hand down and position my body to start dancing and added the passion and emotion and everything to the song I was singing to my husband and dancing and showing and now it was time to start the connection.

I started to move with the music first and then then I started to sing and I acted it out as I moved as I felt everything I went through up until now and I was fully letting go and opening my heart wide open for my husband and let him fully in.

I reached Edward and I had my eyes closed and he placed his hand flat over my heart as I heard him start singing with me and I felt him fully let go and I lifted my hand and put it flat against his heart.

He fully opened his heart to me this time and I felt the complete connection and warmth go through us and I gasped because it felt so amazing to feel what he felt for me.

I open my eyes and picked up his glass of wine and made sure he had it in his left hand and I picked up mine and we crossed our arms and drinked our wine until they were gone in one drink.

We put our glasses down and I picked up his knife and gently placed it in his left hand and I picked up my and I bent my arm up and he did at the same time.

I took the blade at the same time he did and we just pressed them against our left wrist and we lock eyes and said together at the same time.

"We never give up on each other no matter what!" We pressed down and then we drop the knives and held our wrists together.

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