chapter 18

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                Bella pov

After I heard mine nick name my brother gave me, that's when I knew Bradley spirit was helping Edward.

I undid my seat belt and out of my eye I saw a piece of board slide out from underneath the seat. I smirked and grabbed it.

I took and braced it out the gas petal. "Get a move on punch!" Cullen told me. "HOLD your hot ass on a moment!" I dropped my mic and my eyes widen to what I said.

"Yeah, yeah get you sexy ass from that car over here to on my bike now!" I shook my head.

"Damn, calm your ass down!" I told him and tuned around and get ready to climb out the window.

"I will calm down when your over here." He even pointed to make his point. I steady myself  on the window and stood up slowly facing the car.

I look behind me and nod my head to Edward and I watched as he got closer to me and I turned sideways preparing myself to climb on the front of him and facing him.

He finally was close enough to me and he slid back and lifted his arm.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I open them and Edward made eye contact with me and nodded his head.

I reached out and slowly reached out for him and have a hold of him. I close my eyes and let go of the car and quickly wrap my arms and legs around Edward as tight as I could.

I feel us slow down and come to a stop, but I never let go or unbury my head. I was having a over load of bad memories going throw my head.

"She's alright! She's just in overload and shock." Then I heard him start laughing. "I did it, I really did it!" He kept saying  still laughing.

I looked up at him and he looked down at me with the biggest smile on his face. "Did what?" I asked.

"I rescue you with no fear of getting hurt. I protected you. I didn't get into a accident, I don't need my shots." I shut him up by pressing my lips to his.

We finally pulled apart and he leaned his forehead against mine with his eyes closed.

"Thank you for saving my life and I love you Edward. Oh and tell my brother I love him and thank him for helping you." Edward pressed his lips against mine.

"I love you baby." He jumped and I couldn't help but giggle and put a smile on my face and gave him a quick kiss.

I jumped when I heard a car and I turned my head and I see someone drive past where we all we're.

"He thinks I'm dead." I said. "That's what I'm thinking. Boy is he in for a surprise. Let's just say you're brother wants some revenge and I'm going to let him have it. We are going home  and skip this race and let's say kick his ass and racing our style and let's say maybe catching him in the act." A big smile went on my face.

Edward and spent the whole time when we got home with me showing him the race track on video of us racing and me telling him about the track.

We were even leaving soon so we can practice on the track. But I kept seeing bits of my brother peeking through.

My brother wanted this just as much as Edward did. "Vroom, Vroom" I turned my head and see the twins crawling in here.

I couldn't help myself but left really hard. I may not remember them. But just then I remember being and feeling pain.

I wrapped my arm around my stomach and let the scene play out in my head.

I fell to my knees and gasped. "Momma!" I opened my eyes and looked down at the little boy Bradley and then I turned my head and looked at Edward.

"That's the first time he's ever said momma." I turned back and looked at Bradley and he reached his arms for me and that's when I finally took him in my arms and held him close to me.

I buried my face into neck. "I'm so sorry baby boy. I won't leave you again." I told him. I felt a arm go around my shoulder.

"You remember the kids." He said like he knew. I just nodded  my head. "Stop! Give her a minute. She just remembered the kids." I could hear crying.

I look up to Rose and dad leaning into each other crying. "It's time!" I told them. They looked at each other and smiled.

"Bradley car goes to me." I heard say. I turned my head and looked up at Edward and him with a  smile on my face.

"Your number goes on the car and I think they already have it by the looks on there faces." I told him.

"Vroom, Vroom!" I looked down at Bradley and he says again and I fall sideways laughing really hard.

"Born into racing." I blurted out. "Yep, she remembered." My dad said laughing. I  feel Bradley being lifted off me.

"Come on mommas boy. Let's get you fed and your sister fed." Rose told him as I watch her and dad take them.

I sat up and put wrapped my arms around my leg and lay my head sideways and just watched.

"Those 2 there are our little miracles. Little Rose is a fighter just like you and Bradley is just like your brother from what I've heard and learned about your brother. Just because I can't remember my blood family, doesn't matter to me because I get to know them in a new way and plus I have a new family and all because of you Bella and that's one of the reasons I love you so much because no matter what, you never gave up on me and that's what matters the most." I turned my head to look  at him with my tears falling.

"You never gave up on me either." I told as more of my memory. Edward gently cupped the side of my face and I closed my eyes as I lean into touch.

I open my eyes and took my hand and reached for him and brought his face closer to mine. "I love you so much!" I told him as I pressed my lips to his.

"Dad asked me.. Oops sorry!" I pulled away and hit my forehead against Edward chest as we both started to laugh.

"And you wonder why I always lock the door." Edward whisper. I couldn't help but laugh even harder.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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