What really happen

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We're at another at our home town. I keep getting this feeling something bad going to happen.

"Cullen you feel..." He stopped me. "Something bad going to happen." He finish for me.

Then it happen so fast that none of us had time to do anything. Tyler cause another accident.

So now I'm trying to stop from hitting other.


Then I watched Bella into the air with her car. I went as fast as I was going to let her car take all impact.

But Tyler had other plans with me. "Cullen do something quick." Rose said. "It's kind of hard right now. Very piss off right at the moment for doing that to her. Then me on top of it." I explained.

Charlie POV

"Hand me that mic." I told Rose. I put it on. "Son, listen to me now. This is were something supposed to happen. Trust in yourself and never forget the love you have for, just feel the pull to Bells love. Never on broken. Know I love you Edward like my son to me and I am so glad you're in this family, Now close you're eyes. Feel yourself then picture my son beside you. You put that shifter feel your car. All of it son." He took a deep breath.

"Now open your eyes and tell me what you feel?" I thought for a second. "I feel one with my car." A smile went across my face.

"Bella you know anything yet?" I held my breath. "They haven't got to her yet. Do me a favor try and not disappeared this time. Like you wouldn't give up her. So she won't give up on you and I will not give up on you son." I knew I would lose my memory yet again.

"Bella Marie Swan Cullen I love you more then words could say. "Dad Charlie I will not give up you either."

Rose has POV

All we could do is watch everything unfold in front. Dad came and put his arm around me.

"Something going to happen to the both of them. But Edward will wake long before Bella does." I lean my head over on my dads shoulder.

"We got our workout that's for sure. Because now will have Bells not remember either." He told me.

"This is what they both are made of. You can't taking her love for speed." Charlie chuckling.

Then it happened to Edward. He it to Bella and blocked her car into the fence.

Then once he hit the pavement and was flipping until it came in contact with the pit wall.

Bella on the other hands her car hit the ground. You could feel the impact from here.

"Dad were taken Bella home. I made a promise to my sister and if this happens to just bring her home." I finally let the tears fall.

Once at the hospital I went to Edward room first so I could talk to Edward. I reached for the door knob and slowly open it. I walked in it looked like Edward was in a deep sleep.

I reached for his hand and took into mine. "You listen up brother you better remember something a Bella. It's hard to know she's going to lose her memory. We need your help." I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Emmett.

I stood up and wrapped my arms around him and just cried. Emmett wraps his arms around me.

"We don't give up on neither of them." I lifted my head and looked into Emmett eyes searching but all I see is love he has for his brother and my sister.

I nodded my head. He held me for hours until Emmett pick me up and carrying me into the house.

About 2 weeks after the accident when we heard a loud thump. I slowly got up and to his and Bella bedroom.
I took a deep breath and opened the door.

There was Edward on the floor. I ran over to him. He looked up at me then it was like he was searching for something.

"Rose what are you doing here?" I looked at him confused. "What do remember?" I asked him.

He looked up at me. "Bella...." He look like your being pull to something.
"Close you're eyes. Do not open until I tell you too." I let him lean against me.

Bella was in the living room so someone by her side. All of Edward froze. "You alright Edward?" I asked him.

Then he starts to move again. He reaches Bella bed. I was on the other side and just watched. He felt for hand and took it into his.

A smile shows up on his face. Then he opened his eyes. "What do you feel?" I asked him.

"Nothing but pure love. What's wrong with her?" He asked me. "Do you remember racing cars?" He shook his.

Then he pointed to Bella. "What happen to put her this way?" He asked me.

"Tyler did this." He step back shaking his head. "I remember him. But what he has with her." Edward asked.

"Bradly get your butt back here." All of sudden I see him look down. "Dada!" Bradly lifted his arms up.

Edward kneel down gently took him in his arms. Edward buried his face into Bradly hair. "Where's little Rose at?" They looked at each other.

"Now don't freak out!" Charlie told him. My eyes widen. "Little Rose is missing." He fell to his knees because this is to much at once.

I watched as held Bradly closer to and got up and walked to his bedroom. All we can hope he remember what happen.

I do not own all of the characters Stephiene Meyers

I own the rest of the characters and the story

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