chapter 5

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I watched as Charlie walked back in and he had a bundle in his arms.

I slowly walked up to him and he slowly laid little Rose in my arms.

"Now she needs to be cleaned up and fed. By the looks of it she wasn't harmed. But she was just left there by herself." Charlie explained to me.

So I cleaned her up first and fed her. She fell right to sleep in my arms. For now Bella is in the guest room.

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME YOU BIG GULOT." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before I laid little Rose down and head to Bella.

I leaned against the door frame and Emmett had his hands up in the air. "Emmett what we tell you?" Bella snapped her head around and faced me.

"AND YOU! HOW ARE WE MARRIED WHEN I FUCKING DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU?" I didn't know how to answer her at this moment because I couldn't remember myself.


I was sleeping and decided to get up and go outside. Its been 2 weeks since I woke up from my coma.

It was dark outside. I went to the barn and got on a dirt bike and took off.

I decided to go home. But when I got there it was gone.  I slowly got off the bike and walked up the steps that were left.

I shook my head because it was gone. I ran for my bike and jumped back on and went to the shop.

I got there and looked up and noticed the name change. BLACK SWAN CULLEN AUTO REPAIR. I tilted my head and just looked at it until I walked inside.

Then I had to grabbed the counter because I seen flashes of Jacob being killed.

I grabbed my heart and had to catch my breath. I let the tears falls. I could not help myself. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"You remember something." I turned around real fast and backed away. "How you know I be here?" I asked him.

"Because I remember some things Bella. Not alot yet. Proably more than you do though." Edward I guess his name is.

"What gives you the right to follow me?" I asked him. He grabs my left hand and points to the rings.

"This does! Were married and I love you Bella. There is someone that's after you and it would scare the hell out of me if Taylor got his hands on you." He told me.

I tilted my head to the side and watched him a minute. I shake my head. "I don't even remember you much less the kids. So why should I believe you?" I asked him.

"What do you feel with your heart Bella?" I thought for a moment. I feel all kinds of different things. But its all mixed up and I'm not even sure its love because it still kinda of feels like my heart closed off.

I started to walk off and he grabbed my arm. I turned and glared at him. "I let go if I was you before I hurt you." He sighed and let go.

I got to the door and without turning. "If I we're you don't follow me. Don't worry I will be safe." With that I walked out the door and hopped on the bike.

        Charlie pov

Edward come walking in slamming the door. "SHE IS SO GOD DAMN STUBBORN!" I watched as he paced the floor.

"Let me guess she was at the shop remember something bitched you out and told you not to follow her." Edward stopped and looked at me.

He ran his hand through his hair and nodded. "I know where she went and I will go and try to talk to her. Its alright Edward. Yes she stubborn and I know she's been a handful Edward. But I remember a time when you were to. Give her time please." With that I walked out the door and headed to the race track.

I stopped in my tracks at what I saw. Taylor had ahold of Bella. "Stop right where your at old man. Don't take another step or I shoot her." I look and Taylor had a gun pointed at her head.

I put my hands up. "Just please don't hurt her Taylor." I told him. With that he walked past me and put her in his car.


Taylor hurried and got in and grabbed my arm and he had a syringe in his hand and the next I knew I was out.

I slowly open my eyes and tried to move my hands and legs but I was tied to a chair. My mouth wasn't tape or nothing. But I didn't dare scream or nothing.

I didn't know where I was. But I remember this like in my dream or coma I should say. Then I remembered Bradley letter saying my dream will come true.

Then I see flashes of him trying to rape me. I shook my head to shake the vision off.

"Your awake I see. Soon I will have your boy toy here and you can watch me kill him slowly." I looked at him confused.

"Boy toy? What the hell you talking about? I have no boy toy you idiot. Never have." Now it was his turn to look at me confused.

"Is this a joke or something?" He asked me. "I don't know what your playing at. But its Taylor right. But I a sure you I do not have a boy toy." He grabs my left hand and points to my rings.

"Then explain this?" I look down at the rings. "I can't explain them to you but if you touch them I will hurt you." Where did that come from? I asked myself as he dropped my hand.

Then he came at me with another syringe and I was out again.

I do not own all my characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does

I own the rest of the characters and story

race to protect my family Book FourOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant