chapter 10

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I wake up but don't see Edward in his bedroom. I lay there a minute thinking. I needed to get out of here so I can think.

I got up and went to my bedroom and put on my dirt bike uniform.

Once dressed I walked outside and opened the trailer to get my dirt bike out. Before I put on my helmet I saw Edward leaning against the truck watching me.

I turned my head and put on my helmet. I jumped started the bike and took off.

I found a place where I can sit and be by myself. How do I open my heart to Edward fully when I don't know him.

Hell it feels like my heart is frozen with the love I feel for him.

Plus why does this Taylor guy want me so bad. Then I was taken out of my thoughts when I felt my hands being taped together.

I look up wide eyed to see Taylor. How he find me unlessed he followed me.

Then he picked up my feet and I started kicking him. "STOP!" I yelled out. This can't be happening to me.

The next I knew he backed handed me. Then once he got my feet taped he got up and started kicking me.

Tears went done my face. I turned to block some of the kicks. I finally got him off of me.

I was trying to push myself to my helmet so I can plug it into the bike.

I made it and some how grabbed the mic cord. I reached up with my hands taped and plugged in the cable.

I pressed a button and prayed someone could hear me. I heard a bike start up and turned and looked and Taylor was leaving.

Why his he doing this. I got myself to sit up. I need the helmet somehow. I reached for it and some how get it on.

"Bella can you hear me?" I took a deep breath because it wasn't the person I wanted.

"I hear you Edward. I need help." I told him. "Off on a two track about five miles out. I'm in pretty deep. He was here." I told him.

"Who was there?" He asked me. "Taylor!" Was all I said. "I'm coming to you just hang on." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

What next? God I am so scared of Taylor. I can't go no where without him following me.

After about 20 minutes I hear a bike coming. I was so afraid it was him again. I really couldn't move. I see a good size tree branch and some how grabbed it.

I raised my hands to the side of me. Then I seen the dirt bike. It was Edward. I dropped the brançh in a sigh of relief.


I stopped the dirt bike and take off my helmet. I get off the bike and noticed Bella tapped together.

I hurried over to her and took my pocket knife out and cut the tape. "Can you ride your bike?" She just nod her head and I help her on the bike.

We got back and I noticed she could barely move. I walked over to her and picked her up and took her in the motorhome to her bedroom.

I lay her down and take off her helmet slowly. Then I seen her face. I was pisst. I got up and walked out and asked Rose to help her get undressed and checked out.

I walked out of the motorhome and I punch the trailer. "Edward that's not going to help." I turned around to Charlie.

"Then what is Charlie? Tell me. Because now she can't go anywhere without being followed. Plus how the hell we get proof. Right now it's her word against his." I told him.

"Trust me I understand. I am a cop you know? For now on she doesn't go alone anywhere. She might like it but it's got to be done." I lean back against the trailer taking a deep breath.

I know he right. Hell she won't let me in. It's like her heart is closed off. Then I started thinking.

If when she woke up and only remember the accident after her brother died. Then her heart is closed off again but this time she can feel her love for me.

Then Rose walked up with tears in her eyes. "He beat her up pretty good. Carlisle sedated her because she was going into shock. But he said she be okay." I reached for Rose and wrapped my arms around her as she did me.


Its been 2 days now and it's the middle of the night and I'm still awake afraid to go to sleep because of the nightmares.

I get up and walk out of my bedroom. I stop in the hallway. I decided to go the garage.

I look around and don't see nobody. I hurry and run to the garage and lock the door behind me.

I lean back against the door with my hand still on the handle. I tried to close my eyes but all I seen was Taylor.

I snapped my eyes open to look for something as a weapon. I see the crow bar and pick it up.

Then I slowly open the door and look and I see nobody. I run for the pits and climb over the pit wall and just sit down with my back against the pit wall hanging on to the crow bar for dear life.

Then I remember something and think about it. Taylor was the one that killed my brother.

Then I see 2 different scenes of me in the river. I look up to the sky. "Bradley please help me. I can't do this without you." Then I gasp.

Because I see how Jacob was killed. I got up and ran for the car trailer. I walked in and see my brother's trans am.

I look at the l keys on the wall. I hurried and grabbed them before I changed my mind.

I jumped into Bradley car and started it. I backed out and turned around. Then stopped when I seen Edward. I just look at him.

Please follow me. I pleaded with my eyes. It was like he heard me and nod his head.

I pressed down the gas and took off.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and story.

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