Chapter 1 (Start of Act 1)

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In the darkness, I saw myself running. I was going as fast as I could but for some reason it didnt seem fast enough. I had no clue what was chasing me, no clue what I was so fearful of. I was lost, in the woods.

Tripping over the roots of the trees and soon enough falling. Where was I...?

I tried to keep going but my legs did not listen.

Why am I...

I saw spots in my vision and felt my eyes close.

???: A boy...? My... You may be the key for my victory.

Who was that...?


I shot up from my spot, almost falling out of the tree that I had fallen asleep on. That ringing. That is the sound of a gun. I saw the tree next to me and saw the bullet before looking back to the source to see two groups fighting a Death Stalker and a Nevermore.

The way they fought... They were new. I slipped down from my spot and made my way to the group, my hands slipping to my holstered favoured weapon. My dual tessen. Its slick black design lined with pastle green with pure silver for its blade. I pumped my aura to my weapon as the pastle green turned to bright neon green.

I stepped out into the clearing as I rushed ahead. The girl had her cape caught and I got infront and gracefully opened my tessens fully before managing to catch the Death Stalkers stinger between my blades.

I looked behind and she was wide eyed staring at me.

Seraph: Silver eyes.

Silver eyed girl: W-Wha...

I cut off the tip of the stinger by closing my tessens before swiftly opening them again and charging at the Grimm. I easily dodged its pincers, jumping onto its head before slicing its thick armor and continued. I easily weaved between the pincers and tail, my weapon making its marks clearly before I ended it with a clean slice to the tail.

I flicked my weapon, habit after tainting such beauties with blood, and walked towards the circling Nevermore. The screeching of the Death Stalker loud as the thumping from its tail dropping.

I had severed it.

I looked to the Nevermore and combined the knives for my tessens and spun it for a mechanism to lock it place and I aimed. The green glowed a brighter neon light as my aura strengtened. In a second, light shot from my weapons and tore through the Nevermore being.

I watched as it fell, my aura disabling as I had none left.

I looked to the group that was staring at me with wide eyes.

Blonde hair girl: Woah. Nice shooting hot stuff.

White haired girl: Is no one else going to question why a deer faunus suddenly appeared from the emerald forest, killed two Grimms with little to no effort not to mention the fact that he looks like he is way too...

I stared at the butterfly that had flown onto my weapon's barrel.

White haired girl: Aloof.

Red haired girl: He is proficient in combat though, taking on two Grimms alone is no easy feat. Even for me.

Ginger haired girl: Oh Pyrrha! Thats silly, you're the best warrior here! If you cant deal with them then we'd have no chance without teamwork and possibly suffer a horrible death in which we all die painfully and all alone and-

Raven haired boy: Thats enough Nora.

Nora: Okay Ren!

Blonde haired boy: Okay guys... I think we should head back.

Silver eyed girl: Jaune is right, more Grimm might come.

Raven haired girl: What about him?

Blonde hair girl: Blake's right. We can't just leave him here.

White haired girl: Easy for you to say Yang. He's a faunus. He took down two Grimm with little to no issue. Clearly he has been alone this entire time. I see no issue.

Yang: Easy for you to say Ice Queen, you dont like anyone-

Silver eyed girl: Alright! Weiss, its wrong to just leave him here. Blake and Yang are right, lets take him back.

I moved my weapon up and down as the butterfly didn't even budge so I applied more force for the butterfly flew off my weapon and onto my antler.

Seraph: Ah... No little one... Not there.

I tried to push it off by gently stroking its fragile wing but it refused to move.

Weiss: I dont think he's sane, or that he's even there Ruby.

Ruby: Well lets bring him anyways.

I heard footsteps and turned to the group that have finished talking.

Ruby: Hi! My name is-

Seraph: Ruby.

She turned to her friends and they shrugged before she turned to me and nervously smiled.

Ruby: Um... Yea.

Seraph: I overheard the conversation. It would be rude to leave... But I do not like your... Academy.

Weiss: See, that settles it-

Yang/Blake/Ruby: Weiss.

Weiss puffed her cheeks as I looked to my weapons before keeping them.

Seraph: I'll follow you. I won't stick around long.

Yang was instantly by my side, clinging to my arm.

Yang: Well hot stuff, let me show you the way~

I nodded as the group giggled slightly and took off before any more Grimm arrived. I looked back slightly to where I had come from before looking ahead to what I assume to be...

Seraph: Beacon Academy, I wonnder how much you have changed...

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