"I won't. Dying again and gain is enough." Victoria said.

"What" Both me and Melanie asks.

We just looked at each.

"Sorry, I'm still trying to go over the 'funeral' but a closer look... I noticed how far they went. Normally, this kind is used in some heart surgeries, but I never heard of such used in treatment to deal with cases like hers. I know, about the heart attack but this." Miller said.

"Why would they want to do that?" I asks.

"She wouldn't hold still. Anything pass her throat... good luck with that." Victoria said, being a pain in the arse.

"VICKI!" Melanie yelled out.

Did I warned her?

"I'm not sure why. The only times I was able to obtain the times it happened, especially around the surgeries around the abdomen." Miller said, referencing the G-Tube insertion Melanie had to have.

"Then, why I was sent to the freezer?" Melanie asks.

"I'm still trying to understand why such method was used to deal with this case. Despite it, we got another serious matter on our hands." Miller said.

"I'm going to assume they want to know about the ESP examination." I said.

"Afraid so, as the media is starting to add pressure to get as much information as they can. We're going to work with the police, so they can give us as much privacy as possible. What we can go for is to protect family members of this, but there's no expectations on if it'll work. They're already on the case with the parasites, even Guinness has gotten word." Miller said.

"You mean... the Record Books." Victoria asked.

"Yeah, they never heard had anything what they found. They would like to have an interview with you." Miller said.

"Me?" Melanie asks.

"Is it way to early?" I asks, with concern.

"Of course, once you're cleared. For now, they have to place an alias by law." Miller said.

"What kind of record she broke?" Victoria asks.

I just rolled my eyes.

"One of them is the longest tapeworm on, about 34 meters, along with the width which was a first... about the half inside of the large intestine itself." Miller said.

"And that what was inside of her for years" Victoria wondered.

"That wasn't all... they were stunned on how many types, which could explain how that tapeworm got large. Still, if a standstill operation was necessary is unclear, but it would been fatal either way." Miller said.

"How is that? She was put on ice?" Victoria asks.

I wanted Victoria to stop.

"It's unclear, but it did causes tears. For now, my main focus on handling the media what the leaks about the ESP examination. With technology does days, instant message services going haywire." Miller said.

"I bet the press are getting onboard with information." Victoria said.

"I'm afraid so. I do have the copies of what was done during her surgeries. The hospital is doing all they can to keep the most delicate information of the situation in private." Miller said.

"Is it okay we look at them?" I asks.

Melanie was hesitant but understood, as it could provide a clue on what they did.

Astral Journey: It's ComplicatedWhere stories live. Discover now