plus de temps || more time

18 1 0

Everything I would have said if I had gotten more time.

You were my sunshine in the roughest summer storm.

You were my favourite popsicle I would eat during winter.

You were every broken ankle I ran through playing tag.

You were every bit of regret I did not feel after I was caught skipping school.

You were every tear drop I watched a stranger shed.

You were the darkness in the sun.

You were the lady that walked around with an umbrella in a heatwave.

You were every contradicting hyperbole I can think of.

You are the reason I never say goodbye anymore.

You are the reason I can't look three specific people in the eye.

You are the reason why one of my (ex) closet friends don't talk to me anymore.

You are the reason why I don't write songs anymore.

You are the reason why I am straight.

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